

Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/29/2005 at 01:08 AM   
  1. The real story is how Karl Rove controls Rather’s words to ensure voters flow to the GOP.

    I haven’t the faintest idea what happened before Mapes got the purported NG memos. But it sure looks as if Rather no longer has any idea what reporting is/was supposed to be and do.

    It seems a lot easier to figure out Mapes. She just lies as needed about this. Right now it is to sell a book.

    Posted by KenS    United States   09/29/2005  at  02:43 AM  

  2. Damn crazy Blather, I had hoped that I’d heard and seen the last of this bucket full of suppurating hog rectums… barf

    I do have one thing to thank him for, however, he is the main reason that I NEVER watch ANY of the “big three” networks anymore. CBS, ABC and NBC are on my own personal “banned for life” list, a lifelong boycott on my part. Television may be the aforementioned “vast wasteland”, but Damn dickhead Blather is the Toxic Waste Dump.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   09/29/2005  at  06:20 AM  

  3. The most polite excuse for Dan Blather may be senile dementia.

    “The facts of the story were correct,” indeed!  What else does this silly clod believe?  Zinoviev and Kamenev were guilty?  The Brooklyn Bridge is for sale?  The Tooth Fairy lives?  MSM clowns are trustworthy?

    Get off, Blather, and put a plug in your levee.  You’re leaking pollution (as usual).


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/29/2005  at  06:55 AM  

  4. I wonder what the other “pillars” of the story were and how many there were? Lotsa times you can remove a pillar from a structure and it won’t come crashing down around your ears.

    But this one fell on Rather like a truckload of bricks.  His memo pillar must have been more like a rotten tree trunk.

    Posted by dick    United States   09/29/2005  at  09:23 AM  

  5. I recall a Secretary of the Interior, James Watt, who made a verbal gaff and was given a bronze statue of a foot with a hole shot in it by Pres. Reagan. Then Watt was canned.

    Rather should take a lesson from that image, if his memory will so serve.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/29/2005  at  10:38 AM  

  6. You know what the cure for this Blathering disease is, all of you. Its a very simple cure, with instruments easily obtained and operated. This cure can be applied with equanaminity to most of the media.

    Its called a hollow point and it fits wonderfully in a .357 magnum.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   09/29/2005  at  12:39 PM  

  7. Rather has ensured that this is what he will be remembered for. No other aspect of his career will be considered. Sort of like Woody Hayes. I think it’s fitting.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/29/2005  at  01:00 PM  

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