Religious Kerfuffle


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/07/2006 at 09:59 AM   
  1. OMG, some stupid Hollywood sniping at Christinaity is news. The Christian establishments have taken the bait? Doth this a controversy make? This ranks right up there with the Judas Gospels, well, actually less. Look for this to be required required curriculum in public schools and appear in textbooks next.

    If you want to see Hollyweird-Crusading-Against-Eeeeevil-Religion, and I too would like to see some balance here, then how about a true romance like “Mohammed & Alisha, a Love Story?” The forty year old Mo marries a SIX YEAR OLD GIRL, and consumates the marriage when she is nine. It has just about everything Hollyweird loves, except actually taking a moral position instead of pretending to. Instead of debunking the world of absurd claims the world is literally awash in, Hollyweird pimps them! Count on Hollyweird to drown us in bunk and total bullshit. Hollywood is a lynch mob and the Mahdi all rolled into one *spit*.

    Posted by markmc    United States   05/07/2006  at  10:30 AM  

  2. Peiper, I had a major problem with a few items like redirecting a flight form Rome to Paris just by dropping a few bucks on the pilot and an Englishmen taking off in the middle of the night with no flight plan to fly from France to England? Those were just the most ridiculous ones. There were quite a few more.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   05/07/2006  at  10:40 AM  

  3. Skipper: Christians usually have better sense than that, with the exception of Pat Robertson .
    ME: A big “10-4”!

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   05/07/2006  at  10:44 AM  

  4. what you on about skipper? BRITISH AIRWAYS do it all the time, sometimes pissed to, LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/07/2006  at  11:56 AM  

  5. i love virgins, i mean VIRGIN ALANTIC grin bung sir richard a few pounds you can go to,;jsessionid=GpqKgc31J2ZlQPkz6MVLLJ0JXQcgFspHTx2lnKQtlgs2yqTvqMgN!-1123529258

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/07/2006  at  12:14 PM  

  6. Comrades,

    Well, here’s my take on it. I’m not big on movies made from books I’ve read. I like to ‘own” my version of it in my head, but I’ll probably so and see this one.

    As to the storyline, well, so what if Jesus was married? Big deal. So what if he had kids? Doesn’t change a thing about is mission, his preaching, or his church. Jesus had brothers and sisters. Doesn’t change anything in the New Testament.

    I really and truly cannot see what all the hubbub is about. I was actually more upset when Pope John XXIII changed the Mass from Latin to the Vernacular. THAT was heresy in my book, especially since, as an altar boy, I had learned all that Latin.....

    Like I said, it wouldn’t matter one whit if Jesus was married and had kids. I actually find the entire book more plausible than many of the miracles attributed to various saints over the centuries, but maybe that’s just me.



    Posted by Gwedd    United States   05/07/2006  at  01:37 PM  

  7. Hence the difference between Christians and Muslims when it comes to the public entertainment medium:
    If a Christian finds something blasphemous, they vote with their dollars and don’t buy it.
    If a Muslim finds something blasphemous, they vote with their swords, bombs, fires and guns.

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/07/2006  at  09:11 PM  

  8. Like you. Skipper, I waited for the paperback. I read it for entertainment, not expecting it make any really significant religious statements. Thought it was a nice twist that the Grail could be construed to be a woman or the children. Seems to make the story better than the old tried and true Grail stories.

    As far as the controversy with the Church and Opus Dei ...... Hey guys, milk it for all the publicity you can. This is a freebie, go for it!

    Gwedd, I agree with you. Didn’t change the mission or anything else. Why are they worried? If anyone suddenly stops their belief due to this movie ....... they they weren’t very interested in the subject to begin with, anyway.

    Posted by bowshot4    United States   05/07/2006  at  11:40 PM  

  9. With the Templars et al getting tiresome how about, the PTA? A vicious bunch all around. And the Book of Jeremiah as the core of Windows 95 using a badly worn d12 and the 1939 Biloxi phone book.

    Posted by mythusmage    United States   05/08/2006  at  03:00 AM  

  10. Well, it has to do with the fact that the book has a little cult around it that presents it as a “well-researched, historically accurate take on the struggle between Christians and Gnostics.” I certainly don’t want it banned, but don’t kid yourself on this one Skipper, there are a lot of DaVinci Code fans out there that really do think it’s historically true and present it to others as a bonafide debunking of Christianity. It’s sad that it’s reached the point that fiction is used for that, but it is a problem.

    Posted by CodeMonkeyMike    United States   05/08/2006  at  05:40 AM  

  11. I really hope that Tom Hanks doesn’t lose his head over his part in this movie.  Oh, sorry, wrong religion.  He’ll just earn a large pile o’cash.


    Posted by rudebadger    United States   05/08/2006  at  07:12 AM  

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