Reader Corner: Post One


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 02/16/2005 at 06:30 AM   
  1. AIDS is almost 100% preventable, yes.  OK, I want everyone who answers yes to all of these questions to send me $100.  Have you:

    1. always used good judgement in sexual matters
    2. never eaten excess fats & sugars
    3. always exercised
    4. never done dumb shit when driving
    5. never, ever smoked.

    The Point: There are different ways to talk to people already suffering vs. young kids.  With kids you can jerk a knot in their tail.  Suffering people—maybe some forgiveness and kindness.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/16/2005  at  08:52 AM  

  2. I answered “no” to all of those questions, Oink. Does that mean that you are gonna send me $100?

    Does it also mean that other people are responsible for fixing whatever I do in my moments of irresponsibility? I kinda don’t thinks so and I’m appreciative of anything that is done on my behalf despite my own stupidity or willful self indulgence.

    These people are literally fucking other people to death and blaming everybody else for their disease while they are spreading it themselves.

    They could stop the spread of AIDS with some self control or some basic precautions but they won’t and they expect the rest of us to pay for their mistakes and we do. Then they make a political football out of it when they demand more money for research.

    Yeah, I’m all for finding a cure for AIDS, but it’s NOT more important than finding cures for all the forms of Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Altzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lupus, MS and a whole slew of other killers that are NOT contracted by ones own behavior.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   02/16/2005  at  10:32 AM  

  3. StinKerr: everybody who answered like you & me gets $100!  But to save the trouble of everybody sending money to everybody else, we’ll just call it a wash.
    It used to be that people ate, drank & smoked themselves to death; nobody fucked himself to death. Times have changed.
    I agree with you on priorities in medical research.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/16/2005  at  11:14 AM  

  4. I ‘m certain there are a small number of HIV/Aids cases of “Little Timmies” caused by a bad transfusion, and a certain number of professionals nurses, doctors, Para-medics, firemen, etc. infected in the line of duty.  These folks certainly deserve our sincere assistance as they are innocent victims.  However, the majority of the reported cases are among people NOT deserving this assistance.  The drug users and/or homosexuals; these are CONSCIOUS, WILLFUL, INTENTIONAL LIFE STYLE DECISIONS! The fact that those in power choose to make these idiots victims truly pisses me off!  When our tax dollars are spent on these dregs of society who’s premeditated jabbing of themselves with dirty needles or taking turns slamming each other in the ass consumes dollars in these amounts while research on Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and for God’s sake, even the flu goes wanting, we have a new definition of criminal!

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   02/16/2005  at  01:03 PM  

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