racists, homophobes and all-purpose bigots.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/11/2015 at 06:40 AM   
  1. All we need is an immigration policy that doesn’t include a suicide pact.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/11/2015  at  08:12 AM  

  2. As per your usual Doc.  A lot said in just a few words. It should be in our masthead.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/11/2015  at  11:41 AM  

  3. The thing to do is to declare jizzlam a terrorist philosophy and ban it. Period. Tear down the mosques, burn the qurans, arrest everyone in hijab, arrest anyone who demands halal meat, and start the deportations.

    Today, more than A MILLION French rallied in Paris against these murders, but it is not enough. Their message must be that France has extended the greatest gift in history to them, the chance to be French. And that gift has been rejected. It is time for them to go.
    • Their sons and daughters are not allowed to find love and romance. This is not French!
    • Their women are not allowed to be beautiful or wear couture. This is not French!
    • They are denied the perfection of French cuisine. This is not French!
    • They have no appreciation for art, philosophy, or even architecture. This is not French!
    • They love not pets, and despise the bond between a Frenchman and his loyal hound. This is not French!
    • One of their core beliefs is to avoid wine. Wine! Likewise, cheese! This is not French!
    • They demand that the meat they eat be harvested in a cruel and painful way. This is not French!

    They can never be French. They reject everything that makes the French character. They reject even the liberty and egalitarianism that French law and justice are built on. This is the greatest insult. They can never be French. They have been given the greatest gift in the world, and pissed on it. Send them away!

    Ok, granted, the rest of us roll our eyes a bit at the froggies. But the argument above would sell in their own country.

    It is time for the Third Revolution, a de-fitada. From Finland to Iceland to Canada to Brazil to Greece, send them all back. Let them take the 2 or 3 generations of civilization knowledge they should have learned in the West, and let them make gardens of their own lands. We invited them into our own gardens, and they brought evil. Send them away!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/11/2015  at  12:29 PM  

  4. A Jiwhoredi!

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   01/11/2015  at  02:55 PM  

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