Quote Of The Week


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 06/17/2006 at 10:55 PM   
  1. Whew.  Spoken like a narcissistic fourteen year-old airhead who’s always had her parents give her everything she wants.  Not bad for a thirtyish entertainer.

    Posted by dick    United States   06/17/2006  at  10:41 PM  

  2. The Ditzy Twits STILL don’t get it!
    As for being ashamed that someone is from Texas…
    From one Texan to another:
    Shut the hell up Natalie!
    Quit acting like a spoiled brat!
    It is called being proud to be an American!
    It is about standing up to those that would tear America down, verbally or physically - even if those things come from inside our own country, from out own countrymen / countrywomen.
    This IS our country - love it or leave it!
    I’ll just bet they’d LOVE her blondness in Mexico…
    I saw all the ads for their “free” webcast, I believe it was last night.
    Would be interesting to see how many people actually took ‘em up on their freebie.
    You would not have caught me dead listening to their whining!

    Posted by Melissa in Texas    United States   06/18/2006  at  01:04 AM  

  3. Two words: frakkin’ bitch. And that’s being nice.

    Posted by Macker    United States   06/18/2006  at  03:28 AM  

  4. There’s a certain cluelessness to the comment thats kind of reassuring. Freedom of Speech. Its obvious this young woman didn’t think her comments through. I wonder if she’ll learn to temper her remarks in the future or if this was designed to increase interest by appearing controversial. Sort of Ann Coulter lite. Maybe if Ann could sing...?

    Posted by Mars S    United States   06/18/2006  at  06:02 AM  

  5. I love the way this loon always waits until she is in London to drop her bombs.  If she had any onions she would lob grenades OVER HERE in the good ol’ USA - like in Alabama or Texas, for example.  Of course, she might have some tomatoes or lettuce thrown at her here to go with her ‘onions’.  Please pass the salad dressing, and perhaps we can have some jello wrestling for dessert.

    Posted by jeffwyke    United States   06/18/2006  at  07:47 AM  

  6. Maybe if Ann could sing...?

    Hey Mars S: Be careful what ya say ‘bout Skipper’s woman!

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   06/18/2006  at  10:15 AM  

  7. Somebody can surely come up with some lyrics played to the tune of “Goodbye to Earl” for ‘ Goodbye to Natalie”??  LOL

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   06/18/2006  at  10:18 AM  

  8. No worries, the Dixie Chicks (err Twits) are losing money hand over fist.  You don’t make money in the music business unless you go on tour.  More then half their tour dates have been cancelled due to poor ticket sales.  She can say whatever she wants, but the more she craps on America the more money she loses!  I would not be surprised if the other two Dixie Chicks soon realize that their futures are being flushed down the toilet by little Miss Maines…

    I see a breakup in the Dixie Chicks future… Of course, they can all three go take a flying leap for what I care…
    I will be surprised if their label doesn’t drop them like a hot potato some time soon and then sue them for financial losses. Musicians go into debt to the label over recording costs and marketing.  The album sales are only pennies to the artist they make their money on touring ticket sales.  The artist then has to pay back the label before they turn a profit.  Many a one hit wonder has gone bankrupt trying to break even on their debt to a label.

    Of course, they made a fortune prior to their 2003 screwup, but that money won’t last forever and most famous musicians have burnt through their fortunes in record time.  Why do you think the Stones are still touring?  i.e. they ran low on money!

    Posted by MJS    United States   06/18/2006  at  11:37 AM  

  9. Central to this “controversy” is the basic concept of freedom of speech. As Americans, we are free to say whatever we feel. But there is a group on the left that this is extended to mean that they can say whatever they please and not have to deal with the response that speech triggers. Natalie just doesn’t get it. If only she understood the blood it took to give us that freedom, it is possible she might have more respect for those who protect her rights.

    Posted by Spike72AFA    United States   06/18/2006  at  02:10 PM  

  10. You know my father told me once - ‘You can do anything you want in life - you just have to be willing to accept the consequences’ that coupled with being raised by an insane woman - left me a very cautious person who takes few risks in life. The up side is I only talk to the Police over my children’s misbehavior (all 4 - bless their little hearts) except for the one time I was pulled over for car theft [it was very hard not to bust out laughing as GM had just offered to take the car from me, after I promised never to buy another GM product]that was a mistaken identity.

    I do not care how you feel about the President, the War, War itself, religion or whatever - unless you want to debate and discuss - like here and other forums or in person. For the infamous - I don’t care, you should be about your music, movie, tv show etc etc etc. . .

    She is just po’d that Toby Keith (who donned the RWB shirts, soldiers in his videos etc etc etc) shot up in fame while lil miss ‘I’m ashamed that the President is from Texas’ has sunk to the basement big time. . . that is the breaks for bad mouthing America in a time of war with a particularly patriotic fan base.  . . maybe if they tried moving into progressive or alternative music, they could find a welcoming fan base but I don’t think that Goodbye Earl will play well with that group.

    So sad. She doesn’t understand that the greatness of America is her ability to say that garbage and not be killed outright.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/19/2006  at  07:46 AM  

  11. They’ve been mis-named.

    I think they are the Ditsy Twats!

    Posted by bigbyrd    United States   06/19/2006  at  07:35 PM  

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