Quote Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/15/2007 at 10:46 AM   
  1. Dam, and i was gona quit smoking gulp

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   02/15/2007  at  11:28 AM  

  2. Cancer is typically a fatty (oily) mass that grows uncontrollably to the detriment of the body and intrudes and kills off good tissues and organs that are keeping the body going. Let’s spray this stuff on Iran and Syria.

    Posted by JimT    United States   02/15/2007  at  12:07 PM  

  3. This is probably going to go the route of Cold Fusion and making oil from turkey guts.

    Posted by hindmost    United States   02/15/2007  at  03:05 PM  

  4. About 30 years ago I read about something similar in Penthouse Magazine (got tired of looking at the pictures), a cheap chemical that dissolved cancer cells and left normal cells intact.  The punchline was that the “cancer establishment” didn’t want their fat funding cut off and found ways to discredit the doctor and bury his findings.  I still don’t know the truth of the Penthouse story, but the parallels here are pretty close. 

    I’m sure almost all of us have seen someone die of cancer, it’s awful. It would nice if this one turned out to be true and finally gave us the magic bullet we need to fight cancer.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/15/2007  at  04:16 PM  

  5. Study shows definitively that Global Warming is natural; human contribution is entirely inconsequential.

    Funeral for the author of the study to be held soon, after autopsy.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   02/15/2007  at  04:18 PM  

  6. Hmmm, got my ass handed to me when I made the comment at a cancer site:

    There is big bucks in cancer and if a successful cure for cancer comes along then hospitals, oncologists, and the big pharmaceuticals would have a business reason to quash any cures especially if those cures are relatively inexpensive.

    Was accused of being a gloom and doom type coupled with a conspiracy problem.  Said to them that cancer is big business and when you undercut big business (think of over $2,000.000.000/yr just for kidney cancer) and you have some very serious bucks at stake.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   02/15/2007  at  09:55 PM  

  7. My dad passed years ago from renal cancer that went undiagnosed till it was too late to make a difference. After weeks of visiting the oncology ward with my mom (who was surviving the ordeal only through her unshakeable faith in G-d), I finally lost my temper with the doctor treating my dad and was seconds away from doing him severe bodily harm because of his cavalier “business as usual” attitude. Had to be restrained and taken off the floor. To this day, I have little faith/belief in the white coated witch doctors.  soapbox

    Posted by memoryleak    United States   02/16/2007  at  01:46 AM  

  8. memoryleak---I worked the Medical Trade for 40 years.. After which, I was going to write a book about a comparison of modern day and ancient medical practice.  Was going to title the book Which Doctor the Witch Doctor

    Posted by bat crusher    United States   02/16/2007  at  04:38 AM  

  9. Fired an oncologist who I perceived to only be in it for the bucks.  All the guy was doing was milking his patients, many who were terminal, for insurance money while doing nothing (nothing includes failed treatment plans continued in a hope that they will eventually work) to either push the cancer into remission or to improve the quality of life for those who were dying. 

    If you can’t fix them at least make their last days on earth comfortable and let them die with some dignity.  One former coworker had completed medical school and was doing his residency when he washed his hands of the medical profession for what he said was nothing short of patient abuse.  The thing that got to him most was seeing an elderly gentleman sitting in a wheelchair with an X-ray target painted on the side of his head.  He said the guy was slumped over in a chair, drooling all over himself while no one paid the least bit of attention to him.  They could have given the guy a towel, put him on a gurney.  The point is that they did nothing when they could have done something.  He said that this was someone’s husband, father, son and for him to be treated this was was abhorrent.

    I can understand how medicos have to beware of getting too emotionally involved with terminal patients, but even still the patients have to be treated like humans.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   02/16/2007  at  05:34 AM  

  10. This story will not see the light of day and the clinic/researcher will be painted with a nutcase brush. It is about the bucks which is why those in the profession (or outside) who 1) even question procedures, reseach, or the quality of the ‘study’ are hounded and smeared [see the Dr. who questioned the original Vioxx study and the researcher who filed a complaint for not getting a grant renewal - she was called hormonally unstable], 2)the alternative realm, homeopathic and naturpathic are dissed, demeaned and trashed - not to mention any medical ‘professional’ who supports it or mentions it, and 3) if it does not include $$$$$$$$ to all concerned, pharma mega profits and embryonic it is not touted in the msm and journals, even if it works and does ‘No Harm’.

    Why our politicos do not remove illegals from the healthcare system (always) and go after the uber gouging and distortions of the pharma corps who are actually creating the diseases and conditions that they then treat? Those two actions alone would reduce costs by a noticable percent. For example diabetes and obesity start with feeding newborns formula 24/7 - just think of those two problems prevented/reduced by one little change. Oh yeah it also reduces high cholesterol in the future and reduces the risk of breast cancer in the mommies. That is a reduction/erradication of 4 major diseases/issues with just one temporary lifestyle decision - but the pharmas make the formulas so they have no vested interest in undoing the damage they are creating to then make a zillion on the other new drugs (and diet products and surgeries and medicines) to correct the problems they are creating by circumventing a natural (oh no! enviro wackos where are you?!?) and free (no wonder no one is promoting it)way of doing something.  And did I mention the # of dr visits for little Jr or Jrette are cut in half, if not more? So much for getting peds on the right side, more bucks for them.

    And so it goes, those politicians are just out for more money and scamming us while there are simple, safe and not as costly ways to keep humans healthy and either cure or prevent the diseases - but we don’t hear about it - because the people who make the bucks are controlling the information flow and really (tragically) the way things will be done. It is disgusting. And people suffer and die because of it - but hey we don’t pass them the big bucks, so our voice doesn’t count.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/16/2007  at  10:49 AM  

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