Quote Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/02/2007 at 11:03 AM   
  1. I knew EVENTUALLY the left would try so hard to turn Iraq into Vietnam 2.0, they’d start treating the troops with contempt and disdain AGAIN. Their true colors shine through...prick bastards.

    cool mad

    Posted by Agamemnon    United States   02/02/2007  at  11:25 AM  

  2. I absolutely love this moron’s condescending, hypocritical title that he himself inspired by the incoherent, rambling, pointless piece of whinning drivel he wrote entittled ‘The Troops Also Need to Support the American People’. By putting their lives on the line, carrying some 120 pounds of equipment on foot patrols in 110+ degree desert sun, fighting spiders as big as small cats, fleas, disease, IED, snipers and an enemy (60+% of who are notIraqis)that hides among the populace - with the sole intention of using the populace as human shields thus increasing the chances of spineless whinners crying about the heartless American Armed Forces - while not even keeping secret their goal of a World Caliphate. Perhaps that constitute Support of the American People.

    The American Soldier is Supporting you, Mr. Arkin more than you deserve as you verbally spit in their faces saying that they are spoiled, ungrateful and basically should shut up.  They are risking their lives each and every moment they are in that Combat Theater so that you can sit in VT, blogging not even from an office, but the comfort of your home - and they are the ungrateful and spoiled ones? You sir, should look in a mirror.

    What an idiot and shame on the Washington Post to even post these two blogs - but hey it got more people to visit their site and it’s all about the numbers. Who gives a damn about truth, honesty or even reality any more.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/02/2007  at  11:48 AM  

  3. Sooooo, what exactly has this “gentleman” done for the good of the Republic?

    He does not guarentee the freedon of speech he so dearly loves.  It is the soldier who protects his right.

    It sure is easy to be critical sitting in a nice leather chair with a cup of coffee handy in an office that’s air-conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter.

    Guess he’s never stood knee-deep in mud on a multi-use range with the rain trickling off his Kevlar helmet and flowing down his neck waiting for the ammunition to arrive.  Guess he never woke up in the morning with a diesal fuel headache from sleeping over the engine grill of an M-113 APC just to stay warm during the night. 

    Guess he’s never frozen his ass off in a dark December woods looking for hostiles who would like nothing better than to turn him and his family into bars of soap or leather lampshades. 

    I guess as the Islamic knife slices slowly through his neck, his last thought will be about he’s such a fine example of sophisticated Western manhood.

    Naw, I guess the biggest challenge he’s ever faced is a lack of Sweet and Low to flavor his coffeee or tea. Or maybe he’s had to park more than 20 feet away from a Starbucks and been pissed off at the car with disabled veteran’s tags parked so close to the door.

    They just don’t get it.  Maybe those who suffer for our freedoms really are those who really constitute the core of our society.

    I’m pissed off.  I really need to go to the shooting range.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   02/02/2007  at  12:10 PM  

  4. what a fucktard

    Posted by hozer    United States   02/02/2007  at  03:24 PM  

  5. I am truly shocked that he would say the troops “spew an anti-Democrat, anti-liberal, anti-journalism, anti-dissent, and anti-citizen message.” Everyone knows it should be “anti-Democratic!” I’m calling Nancy.

    Posted by JimT    United States   02/02/2007  at  03:58 PM  

  6. I’ve tried to read both of this guy’s columns a couple of times now.  My conclusion:  He’s smoking better stuff than I am.  Wonderfully convoluted examination of facts, both known and constructed, with a sweet layer of condescension added for texture. 

    My father was a Full Professor.  I carefully avoided entering academia.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/02/2007  at  04:39 PM  

  7. Here’s my response to “Barkin’ Arkin”....

    Orson Scott Card was right. We are just waiting for Ft. Sumter.

    There is a war coming. It is not a war on foreign shores fought for reasons that are subtle, lies, or somewhere in between. It is a war that will play out in lakes of blood on the streets of every part of this country.

    I hear and read continuously the spoutings of media leftists like yourself and all the vermicula over at the Huffington Post.

    The foolish, elitist, hateful, classist arrogant ideology that you and yours try to shove down the throats of those of us who are the foundation of support for the survival of this country (the ones who feed you, clothe you, heat your home, power your pc, grind your coffee, make your lunch, etc.) will in the end absolutely doom any possiblilty of peaceful coexistance between the ever-more-angry halves of our society.

    Your crowd supposedly sits at the highest seat of enlightenment, sipping latte’s, sitting on fat bank acccounts, never having accomplished anything more strenuous than than improving the lot of your own gonads. You think that your very thoughts and desires are what drives our world forward and you have absolute disdain for those who see the world thru different eyes.

    The fact of all of the lefts’ lack of understanding of any of the threats we the people face daily and an absolute unquestioning faith in the righteousness of your own views are solid proof of something a friend of mine recently said: “the lefties are educated way beyond their actual intelligence”.

    You are so smart that you’ve forgotten that it is us who keeps the barbarians from your doors. We keep you safe, and warm, and comfortable so much so that you feel free from the obligations to your own true sustenance and can readily vent your disdain for us - the lower life forms.

    You have also forgotten that we have most of the tools, we have most of the knowledge of our hands, and we have most of the guns, and most of those who are in uniform came from and return to us (as I did after 10 years of service). When there is fighting in the streets who do you think the military is going to side with, hummmm?

    If you continue to spit on us, assault our dignity, take away our freedoms, inflict your perversions on us and our children, and insist that we pay from the pittances of the wages from our toil to keep you in silk, while beating the loyal and honorable dogs that keep the wolves at bay, you will very soon find yourself swinging from the light poles as a part of the multitudes of the enlightened ungrateful (and expendable!!) educated morons who get what they sooooo richly deserve.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   02/02/2007  at  07:40 PM  

  8. “ ... that reflects a certain contempt for the American people.”

    In his world, American people are the Leftist drones and those who would lead them, who deserve help to see the truth, or refusing that help, contempt.  William Arkin is beneath contempt.  Just sayin’.

    Posted by dick    United States   02/02/2007  at  07:41 PM  

  9. Another rat shit eating lefty Ward Churchill acolyte.

    Hell I’m just a simple man; I’m thinking track hoe, big wide open track of ground in Wyoming, and accidental excavation collapse. Not that I am suggesting anything. Just my mind gone to wandering.

    Posted by LC Geno    United States   02/02/2007  at  08:44 PM  

  10. babylonandon - well put.

    Can you explain to me how/why someone who ‘claims’ to have been in the military (Kerry, Cleland, Murtha, Hagel, & Webb and this moron) are such traitors to their former professions? I can’t figure it out, unless their ‘service’ was unintentional (forced by the draft) and they were always anti-war or as in Kerry’s case it was seen as a checkmark on ‘the political ladder to success’ (i.e. necessary).

    I also can’t get my head around the fact that Vietnam embittered the American public and Vietnam Veterans so much that here 34+ years later the venom (and reduntant ‘cliche’ catch phrases) are still being spewed - yet these self same people seem determined to re-vist the same situation.

    1) Isn’t it a sign of mental illness to do something over and over again, expecting a different result?


    2) Isn’t it also a sign of mental illness when you ask someone to follow guidelines you set up (the Iraq Study Group) and then tell that someone (President Bush) when they do - they are Wrong?  (pg 50) ‘We also reject the immediate withdrawal of our troops, because we believe that so much is at stake’ (Not to mention that on pg 49 the ISG talks about increasing 10000 - 20000 the troops to train the Iraqi army - isn’t that a troop ‘surge’’escalation’ ‘increase’ or any other drivel the msm and left can come up with.

    [Side rant, if you really read the ISG, it is a blue print for American imperialism in the Middle East - which I thought all these lunatics were against - I smell a set up for President Bush. If he doesn’t follow it, he’s not listening to them, if he does - he is pushing an American imperialist agenda in the Mid East. No wonder he does what he wants and doesn’t respond to them - they are insane, lunatics and he is damn if he does, damn if he doesn’t]

    Finally, a commentor on John’reportingfordutyNOT’Kerry’s recent speech in Davos made an excellent point re the lunatic left, anti-war crowd and Kerry and Fonda in particular: Why run around bashing the Vietnam War (after a Repub. president gets into office) and the Iraq War (again Repub President) but remain quiet as a Dem President (Clinton) starts a War without UN or Congress cheering, oops resolutions/votes? So guys are you anti-war or just when Repubs are involved in the decision making. So only Dems can make a War: legal, moral, right? What bs.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/03/2007  at  10:41 AM  

  11. Skipper want to grind more than your teeth - jump into the brewhawhaw re the New York Times posting the video of the mortal wounding of SSG Hector Leija, (KIA 01/28/07) before his parents had received official Army notification. And get this - - you all are going to love it - -their ‘defense’ for not calling the parents to tell them is ‘because of a specific request from the Army to avoid such a direct contact’!

    Only a liberal can come to such a convoluted defense while ignoring their real criminal act.

    My prayers are for the Leija family and I shall pray that they sue the pants off Salzberger, the New York Times, ‘journalist’ Damien Cave and Getty Images photog Robert Nickelsberg.

    Someone needs to stop this crap - but I’d bet my next paycheck that the NYTs did this on purpose so it can screed ‘free speech’ and restrictive and secretive Military and of course evil bushitlerburtonco - what a pack of worthless sh**heads.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/03/2007  at  09:11 PM  

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