queer american traitor and classified material ….


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/29/2010 at 06:26 PM   
  1. Firing squad.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   11/29/2010  at  08:31 PM  

  2. I can’t get too worked up about this. Have we learned anything we didn’t know already? Clinton is a liar, The Duke of Dork is a dork (though he seems to be right about the Fwench). It’s embarrassing, but is it really anything more than that?

    Representative Peter King of New York, a long-time supporter of Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA, called on Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, to designate WikiLeaks a “Foreign Terrorist Organisation” outlawed in the US.

    Oh the irony.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/29/2010  at  10:42 PM  

  3. Lyndon, but wasn’t the Duke correct in what he said for the most part? To be honest, I don’t know a lot about him other then he seems to fly a lot.  It must be pretty darn hard to sit around a table listening to ppl all the time and not be able to voice your honest thoughts. Always having to bite your tongue and play the diplomat even when you think the person you’re dealing with is dead wrong and maybe even dishonest.

    Peter King of NY.  Have never heard of him but I bow to your knowledge cos I know you’re up on those things.  I guess I’m worked up because I feel the whole thing could have been avoided, the fag who grassed should be shot. As far as I’m concerned what he did is treason.
    The guy running WikiLeaks isn’t driven by any high moral code or feelings that the public has a right to know. I see it as just another attack on my country. He’s done it because he can, and his ego demands it. There is little chance of him suffering any kind of retribution.
    It’ll all blow over in time and then it will be something else again along the same lines I’m sure.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/30/2010  at  07:00 AM  

  4. Seems fitting that a gay soldier would hook up (umm, so to speak) with a sexual offender - what is that saying - oh yes, birds of a feather!

    This will go a long way toward encouraging Conservative & Moderate Dems to pass the DADT ban - yepper it will - po’d at ‘feeling socially isolated’ - sell classified documents - just the cure.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/30/2010  at  07:14 AM  

  5. 1. I don’t care who he sleeps with.

    2. He ‘felt socially isolated’… um, kid, you’re an intel weenie, that’s the point.

    3. The word is ‘espionage’. Firing squad aye, that’s the proper sentence for those convicted of it.

    4. The thing I find disturbing about this whole mess is the gaping holes in mil security. The few times I was around the intel guys in the late 80s, most places they couldn’t go into the room where their work was without first changing into a set of overalls that had no pockets in them. And this guy is able to take thumb drives and rewritable CDs in and out? Paging Captain Obvious, Captain Obvious to the CMS Vault please.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   11/30/2010  at  08:23 AM  

  6. Heads should roll right up the chain of command right to the Pentagon. How in heck can a PFC have access to all this data? Especially State Department data? Is there no longer any Need To Know restrictions on anything? Was nobody watching him? Are the rules so lax that anybody can come in and plug in whatever they want to a military/gov PC? Hell, why do those PCs even have available ports and disk writers on them??? Why is there no snooper software running on the network? Why doesn’t the CD drive have a keylock on it, or set off alarms when non-gov CDs are put in it or when any write command is sent to it?

    Yes, the little private is a Jason Blair douche. 7 muskets at dawn, no blindfold. But his corporal is either involved or inept, as is his sergeant, his LT, his Captain, his Major, etc. Right up to the guys who set the IT rules, installed the equipment, ran the network, and did the purchasing. As is base security that allowed guys into the room with thumbdrives, CD players, cellphones, personal CDs etc.

    We are at war you imbeciles. And half this war is digital. That means you put in security like Bletchley Park in WWII, and you enforce it to the utmost. Need To Know on everything, regular and repeated deep scan vetting for everyone, guards everywhere, and as many temptation points as possible removed from the daily workings. And you shoot the spies. And jail the inept.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/30/2010  at  08:36 AM  

  7. I agree he should spend eight to ten in the Federal Pen but the stuff he has “revealed” is primarily stuff that we already knew or guessed. I did have a good chortle about the Duke of Dork though. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with him telling a few home truths, I just think he could be a bit more discreet. Drew and GOF make a good point though. The fact that this traffic was so alarmingly insecure is deeply troubling.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/30/2010  at  12:10 PM  

  8. If PFC Manning is convicted by a Court Martial, he should DIE. As should Julian Assange.

    Posted by Macker    United States   12/01/2010  at  08:09 AM  

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