Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/17/2015 at 09:06 PM   
  1. There is a third choice Mr Beck and others - THAT THIS IS ALL INTENTIONAL TO DESTROY AMERICA. Because thanks to Ted ‘a bridge too far’ Kennedy - we know that McCarthy was right in that the DNC was involved with the commies. The part that is problematic to me is that obviously the GOP has sold us down river too.

    The groups that are suppose to be our voice in DC - seem to be powerless. Only the NRA seems to have gotten how to ‘play the game’ and thanks to Obama - has secured a bit of power (two life members here since the rise of the big o).

    I just don’t get it at all - so the only scenario that makes any sense at all - is that this is the step-by-step, nudge-by-nudge movement toward a wonglowballorder of insanity - that all communists, socialists, fascists and of course power mad tyrants, dictators and radical extremists who happen to be islamic desire.

    And I am not sure why so many people seem to be oblivious - is it simply that DC has concocted this bs to ‘occur’ at Christmas.

    Or have I deluded myself that 51% of America just don’t give a damn anymore about the American dream and the American way of life?

    I talk to different kinds of people every day - my hubby and I are trying to get our neighbor (not the immigrant one) and our car guy to register to vote. Sad that the new citizen immigrant is more attuned to America and being an American than the family born and raised in middle America.

    Maybe I have deluded myself for way too long. I read the bs on the stupid Dem talkshow (it’s not a damn debate at all) and can’t believe that any adult believes the crap. But obviously some do - is it really a majority now?

    God help America - because the people don’t seem to give a damn enough to do it. Or is that just another dnc/gop/media lie?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/21/2015  at  10:24 AM  

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