Public Enemy #1


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/30/2005 at 03:32 PM   
  1. Thanks Allan
    I’m looking up a couple of more things on this pontificating pussbag and will comment later. For now I just wanted to say thank you.

    LC Geno

    Posted by LC Geno    United States   01/30/2005  at  04:27 PM  

  2. Our so-called “educational system” has long been infested with such poisonous insects, all just as long overdue for swatting.  It is past time for them to understand that their shield of tenure does NOT excuse their conduct, up to and including treason.

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   01/30/2005  at  05:06 PM  

  3. Tannenburg
    I really don’t think this assnugget cares about his tenure. When this shit resurfaced because of the protests in New York, I had taken it personnally due to Churchill using up oxygen in my home state, and my home town. I found the above essay, sent it to Allan and Vilmar, and have since spent the past two days looking into Churchill. I can honestly tell you that I don’t think he gives a shit about his tenure or anything else. All that Churchill does is just a means to an end.
    Anyway, here are a few more tidbits of bullshit from this asshole.

    This is a short updated biography of Churchill from 8/13/2004 - *Ward Churchill is a lifelong activist and is currently Professor of American Indian Studies and chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado/Boulder. A member of the leadership council of Colorado AIM, he is a past national spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. His latest book is “On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,” available through AK Press, where you can also find several spoken word CD’s of his.
    The italics and bold print are mine. As you can see, Churchill has written a book that is a massive expansion on the the essay that Allan posted. You will also notice that Churchill is on the leadership council of AIM. Thats the American Indian Movement. AIM is Churchill’s one and only true love. When I said that all that Churchill does is a means to an end, it is to fulfill the goals of AIM that I was referring to. From Churchill’s Mouth, that treasonous rat bastard, here is AIM’s ultimate goal - “All of my adult life, I’ve been an activist. I’ve been an activist full time one way or another. Every aspect of what I do is [connected] to that central task, and that central task of activism is to clarify and organize around the clarification. In the course of that activist adulthood, I have encountered and agreed with and participated in movements that aspired to certain slogans. When I started out it was “U.S. out of Vietnam,” and then that was changed and it became “U.S. out of Indochina,” and then it became “U.S. out of Southern Africa,” and it was “U.S. out of the Caribbean and Central America,” and then it became “U.S. out of the Persian Gulf.” I agreed with every one of those, but ultimately there’s only one way that any of them will be possible and that is: US out of North America, U.S. off the planet, and take Canada with you when you go!”

    The above came from CMAQ, which appears to be a internet warehouse for socialist documentation. This link takes you to another article titled “Appreciate History in order to Dismantel the Present Empire” by Churchill.

    The last bit that tells you that Churchill is a screaming commie puke is his defense of Leonard Peltier. Go

    here to find out what Peltier’s crowning achievement in life was. What a fuckwad.

    Anyway, thanks for the thread space.

    LC Geno

    Posted by LC Geno    United States   01/30/2005  at  07:22 PM  

  4. I appreciate the reply, LC.  My point was merely that tenure usually makes it damn near impossible to fire such a son of a bitch, and that is why so many such SOBS are stinking up our classrooms.  I agree that this one hardly rates classification among nematodes, but he happens to have a lot of company throughout the entire educational system.

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   01/30/2005  at  08:29 PM  

  5. Tannenberg, you’re right when you say, “...he happens to have a lot of company throughout the entire educational system.” The “godfather” of this anti-American, self-loathing BS, at least in the modern era, is an equally deranged and even more tenured “professor” named Noam Chomsky.  Chomsky is the founder of the pseudo-social science of linguistics and has tenure at MIT of all places.  Try reading some of his crap like The New Mandarins; I heard he has a great book on 9/11, also…

    Posted by Illegitimi Non Carborundum    New Zealand (Aotearoa)   01/31/2005  at  12:18 AM  

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