Psychotic Annoyance TV


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/02/2010 at 05:42 PM   
  1. Good lord. It’s reminiscent of Firesign Theatre’s “Beat the Reaper”.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   02/02/2010  at  06:47 PM  

  2. Besides all the points you make Drew, what sponsor in their right minds would pay to be associated with a show based on such a polorizing issue. I imagine the Sales crew would be hitting lots of walls trying to get any or many on board.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/03/2010  at  01:21 AM  

  3. Maybe they should abort the mothers and keep the kids.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   02/03/2010  at  06:58 AM  

  4. This is just another attempt to pornify American tv and culture - if it is on cable - it isn’t that bad - what a crock. Do you know how long it takes now for the ‘adult’ content stuff on cable to be run on afternoons? I think it is awful the laws that cable bend and break often.

    I agree with you Drew on the abortion issue - I am against it, but if you really truly think you have to have one - do it. Just stay out of my face about it. And let’s try not to lie about it.  What I am really against is the fact that 94% of Planned Parenthoods are in minority areas - why is that? Does that not encourage a lax sexual lifestyle which then make abortion a ‘necessity’ (create the climate that makes it more common)? Why is PP receiving millions (probably billions by now) of taxpayer money and making a profit (explain that to me)? And since it is doing so well - why the h*** are taxpayers still being forced to fund it? EXPLAIN THAT TO ME OH WISE ONES IN DC?

    And finally, is talking about it really that important? Look at how far into the sewer, gutter and just plain deviant experiencing our society has come since the 60s sexual revolution - are marriages better (Yeah Right, NOT), are kids less angst about sex or relationships (H*** No), is our culture and society more tolerant and inclusive - not according to Dear Leader - at all.

    Instead we are a bunch of self absorbed, cult of personality, indulgent, ANYTHING goes money and power grubbing, lying, juvenile criminals - and then the rest of middle America who is attempting to keep America sane, functional and prosperous.

    I am not for censorship at all - but I don’t need to step in (or even see)manure to know it stinks - and I certainly don’t want my (grand)kids even near it. And I do think that there is a bottom line of simple right and wrong. And somehow abortion as a game show is simply wrong. On so many levels. And for so many reasons.

    God Help America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/03/2010  at  08:07 AM  

  5. You shouldn’t hold things back Wardmom. It’s bad for ya.

    I shouldn’t kid around with a subject like that and of course you’re right. And it isn’t just the pornify American thing, which has happened it’s true. Look what passes for talent these days. George Will said it best some years ago and I have quoted him before and will do it again here.  “The talentless performing for the tasteless.” That’s pretty much the story of the music business and movies and TV aren’t far behind. The guts and gore of slasher flicks have desensitized us, I believe.  Of course it’s all done in the name of “artistic freedom” and “freedom of speech” so anything goes and is okay.

    Here’s something for ya, as if you need proof of how things are.  I went looking for something on YT last night and stumbled on a site there with really olde photography and not only still photos, but moving pictures as well.  One of the posted videos was labeled as the very first actual moving picture dated 1895. I think is was then. Just a short clip of people doing nothing more interesting then people leaving a factory. It might have been a warehouse of some sort. It wasn’t a long clip at all but I was really fascinated looking at all those people, long gone, thinking how hard it must have been in those days for women to launder all that material used in those voluminous skirts. So anyway I found it very interesting.  I then went to the comments to see what ppl were saying and found one comment claimed to be by a 14 yr old boy who questioned why the photographer would waste time on such boring stuff instead of photographing porn.
    Different age and mindset.  That thought would not have occurred to me even at 14. Even now in fact.  No interest in the history of a new technology I guess. Sad when ya think he isn’t alone in that mindset either.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/03/2010  at  09:21 AM  

  6. Running Man is exactly what I thought about when I read this. Beatings need to be passed out to those who actually bought into this idea and thought it would be a good thing to put on the air. And the whole angle of doing it to stimulate discussion, etc. is a crock. They are doing it for sensationalism and they damn well know it. It’s a short step from here to televised executions. Don’t have to go down to the public square to see a hanging in person - you can watch from the comfort of your living room. /sigh

    Posted by Nicole    United States   02/03/2010  at  09:35 AM  

  7. While I am for executions - one appeal is enough - I’m not really for public (as in town square and certainly not on tv). I do feel executing murderers and treasonous folk (the latter probably being why most Lie-brals are against the death penalty) is a reasonable penalty (protection of society at large) and would be a deterrent (if used quickly after conviction or at all). I do feel public square and/or tv would just diminish the effect (desensistize the people) and encourages a ‘revenge’ (mob revenge at that) mentality.

    Saddam et al - is a whole nother catagory - public execution of a dictator/tyrant/mass murderer - I’d probably watch it too. Speaking of which - what happened to Milosevic?

    Power to the People.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/04/2010  at  08:08 AM  

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