“Progressive”: codeword for Marxist/Socialist for 100 years


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/19/2008 at 03:35 PM   
  1. You know all of this brings up a good point - especially when combined with Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger, and his own ‘Typical White Person’and his ‘bitter and clinging’ comments, Michelle’s ‘mean country’ and ‘first time I’m proud of my country’ comments - exactly what is it going to take to stop this jr (liberal) Senator - who is a buffoon.

    His commercial - ‘responsibility’ and ‘accountability’ and then he talks about increasing the entittlements - what a crock.

    He says (demurely) he can’t do a thing about the vapid (and wrong) Moveon ad - but chastizes McAmnesty for not stopping the “Swiftboating ads against him. . .[which btw if anyone has seen one - I’d like to know what it said]

    His choice of vetters - two good old beltway insiders who are busy doling out favors for all the uber favors they were getting.

    His choice of a foreign policy advisor who believes Whinnie The Pooh is the best basis he’s ever read.

    And of course his latest gaffe - being for Public Financing before he was against it.

    I just wonder exactly what is going to stop this socialist empty suit before he destroys America?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/20/2008  at  04:48 PM  

  2. Unfortunately, even though these are good points, they are a bit esoteric for the sheep that make up a majority of the voting public.
    The only way anyone will kill the momentum of the O-Dumbo platform is for a normal everyday scandal.. Wife beating, ballot stuffing, drunk driving, a few murders.. maybe not even that, as he is “The One Hope For Us.”

    The American electorate is full of fools and sheep. All it takes is a pretty package with a nice sound to win office. Form over substance.
    I grow more afraid every day.


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   06/21/2008  at  02:55 AM  

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