president bush gets earful lecture on race


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/07/2012 at 10:09 AM   
  1. What an uppity twat this Sata is.

    Hey stupid: the USA never had colonies in Africa. EVER. And the Bushes were in your country, improving things for you with their own money. So STFU you ignorant savage.

    And high and mighty you doesn’t like to wait? Well, how about taking some of your stolen money from your Swiss bank account and actually paving a few roads in your dirtpile nation? Traffic - all the 16 cars and trucks in running condition in Zambia - will flow faster that way. Besides, what else where you going to do? Sit around and pick flies off your ass? Oh, I know, you could have smiled and helped push your country’s soup exports, now that they actually have a canning machine. One. And maybe the money earned that way could improve you $1600/person GDP, your citizen’s 39 year life expectancy, or improve your 17% infant mortality rate or your 14% AIDS rate. Fuckin primitives. Y’all were FAR FAR better off as Northern Rhodesians.

    Oh, and one last STFU: “Zambia” was only a British colony for 75 years, from the time the British Army defeated the murderous Zulu tyrants to when the country gained independence.

    So bite me, ya corrupt red arsed baboon.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2012  at  11:15 AM  

  2. And the real scar of slavery that all Americans have, that most of them don’t even know that they have, is that it was blacks in Africa rounding up other tribesmen - fellow blacks but enemies nonetheless - to sell to the whites.

    The next scar to be picked is that far more than 80% of those sent to the West went to South America and the islands. In other words, slavery in the USA was peanuts in comparison. Slavery generally lasted longer in South America than it did here too.

    Between the 1500s and the 1800s, about 10 million Africans were captured and carried to the New World. It is estimated that about 1.5 million died en route. Most of these slaves were bound for Central and South America. Only 400,000 Africans were sent to the British colonies in North America.

    The last scar to burst asunder will be their finding out that black slave trade continued LONG AFTER it stopped in the USA and the Western hemisphere, because those same black slave takers continued to sell their fellow blacks to moslems in the East. Hell, the entire pidgin language Swahili, of which so many black Americans are so proud to know a few words of, was a polyglot trade language developed between the Arabs and the slavers for one reason: selling slaves.

    The half-million people known as Swahili live along the coastline of East Africa from Somalia to Mozambique. Their language is taught in the United States as a basic “African” language, but few if any Swahili ever crossed the Atlantic as slaves: they themselves exported slaves across the Indian Ocean to Arabia and the East.

    Who are the Swahili? Like any other peoples, they claim a particular identity, although one that has changed during their long history. They see it in ethnic terms, that of their believed place of origin. To understand this we need to know not only who they say they are and where they came from but also the roles they have played in the past and today.

    Most African peoples are rural farmers, with their own indigenous religions, but the Swahili are urban dwellers with a Muslim and literate civilization. For centuries, they were merchants in the ancient commerce between the interior of Africa and the countries of the Indian Ocean, dealing mainly in ivory, gold, and slaves from Africa and in cloth and beads from Asia. To their ports came sailing ships from Arabia and India and foot caravans from the African interior. The British abolition of the export of slaves in 1873 and slavery itself in 1897 in Tanzania and 1907 in Kenya destroyed much of their former economy, and their role of wealthy merchants has been taken from them during the 20th century by international companies.

    In other words, slavin’ was all they did, and when the horrible Christian White Man finally put an end to it IN THE 20TH CENTURY they all went broke. Damn them white racist imperialist bastards!!

    Swahili is an Arabic patois. This language originated when Arab slave traders and other Arab commercial exploiters intruded into East Africa. With the usual arrogance of conquerors, they tried to force their language, religion and culture on the Black Man.
    Persian and Indian traders came in the wake of the Arabs and they too adopted and promoted Swahili because it was easier to use one language to communicate with all of one’s customers than several African languages. In the process, many Persian and Indian words were absorbed into Swahili.

    Any black American who is proud of a Swahili vocabulary ought to have his head examined.
    You don’t speak the tongue of Mordor in Rivendell; you don’t speak the language of slavery in the land of the free.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2012  at  04:01 PM  

  3. Guys, I actually have to disagree some here. 

    In the U.S., we do carry a scar from slavery.  There are a significant number of United States Citizens whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, whose families lived and died as slaves. 

    You can debate the degree of it or what we have done since, but you cannot say it didn’t happen.

    Here in the U.S. we pride ourselves on being a free people.  I do not like that some of our citizens’ families were once slaves owned by other U.S. Citizens. 

    That’s our scar.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/07/2012  at  05:06 PM  

  4. That’s cool; go right ahead. I welcome your disagreement. Contrary opinions are what make debate run.

    I’m not denying it whatsoever. It happened. I doubt if there was a single country from the beginning of time until the late 19th century that didn’t have slavery at some point.
    And while the New World gets doubly dinged by history for having it’s “unique” form of generational slavery ... what were they supposed to do, ship them back? (oh, and maybe not so unique. How many generations were the Hebrews slaves in Egypt?)

    And it was a thorn in the founder’s sides, one they did not want but could find no way around at the time the nation was formed. They had no choice but to leave it to future generations, knowing full well the problems it would cause.

    But I don’t buy into collective guilt. Darn near every other country did it as well; that’s just the way things were. Every nation has this scar. That doesn’t make it invisible, it’s just a part of history. History from long ago and far away. So let’s MoveOn.

    And far less than half of the citizens of the time owned slaves. Maybe not even 5%; I haven’t looked at the numbers, but slaves were expensive and most folks were poor. Vermont NEVER had any since slavery it’s inception as a state, or even before. Many other northern states outlawed it quite early on; none of them had legal slavery after 1804. Not one. So the collective guilt for us damnyankees is a damn lot thinner. 60+ years thinner.

    And given the “nation of immigrants” meme, probably half the people living here today didn’t even have an ancestor in the country prior to emancipation. So let’s keep Move-ing On. At this point the Collective Guilt is getting watered down to the One Drop level, and I’m sick and tired of being beaten about the head with it. Especially since my own ancestors were abolitionists, antinomians, and freedom hungry hell raisers living moral lives but unwilling to be bound by law or even religious canon.

    Yes, white Americans owned black slaves. Bad them. Fine. Indians owned black slaves too. And so did free blacks! But white Americans fought and died by the hundreds of thousands to free those slaves. With some minor help from some free blacks. And no Indians. The slaves did NOT rise up and claim freedom for themselves. It was a gift. So, in lieu of anyone ever saying thank you, that act and that blood price ought to mitigate a helluva lot of prior sin. AND all of that was in the time of my great-great-grandparents, and I’m 51. To a kid today, that would be her great-great-great-great-grandparents. Time enough for any scar to heal, and then some. Not to mention the nearly 3 generations of forced equalization and reverse racism that has gone on here during my time on this rock.

    To my mind, those who keep picking at the scar so they can claim being wounded are twisted in the head. You never knew any slaves and neither did I. And even though there will always be some BS artist claiming otherwise, along with claims of relatives with unprecedented long life (especially for a people so downtrodden and mistreated), I seriously doubt any American alive today under the age of 80 knew any either. That’s the definition of In Living Memory, and as a nation we are at or past that event horizon.

    But I will take President Sata to task for his arrogant small mindedness, especially since his country had slavery longer than ours did. YES! The Zulus kept slaves of the other tribes they nearly genocidally eliminated, right in Sata’s backyard. Scars indeed. Africans keeping Africans as slaves, 1890-1907. And he was a total douche bag in excoriating a retired world leader who was leading an effort to give his country a tremendous gift. Utter classlessness. He’s a shameful disgrace.

    PS - Bush spent BILLIONS on Africa. BILLIONS.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2012  at  06:51 PM  

  5. Dr Jeff: This is not Qo’noS, where the sins of the fathers are visited upon the next seven generations. I’m fucking tired of the blacks holding that shit in our faces!

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/07/2012  at  07:11 PM  

  6. No no, this isn’t generational guilt. 

    This is only acknowledging that it was and it wasn’t good.  Thomas Jefferson being a slave holder is just a valid a fact as the genius of his writings on freedom.  That is not a value judgement, only a fact.

    Personally I’d say that given the revolutionary nature of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. it’s a miracle that they did as well as they did.  Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and democratic Republic has been the blue print or reference point for every people seeking freedom for over 200 years.  Our basic principles have withstood a test of centuries.

    If the authors were less than perfect in other ways, I think they should be forgiven.  They still gave the world a revolutionary breakthrough unparalleled in human history.  I’d say that’s a positive influence on the world outweighing a lot of other stuff. 

    In the history of the Civil Rights struggle, yeah, black people struggled and bled, but it was white politicians and white voters that finally drove the breakthroughs of the 60’s and 70’s.  We must have credit where credit is due.

    This is not a pattern of evil.  This is a pattern of humans working within the greatest democracy in history perfecting themselves by following the teachings of the founders of our country.

    No, there is no inherent guilt or sin in being of white, European descent.  That idea is as wrong as any other form of racism.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/07/2012  at  09:05 PM  

  7. Ya know, as president Dubya spent more and did more for Africa in 8 years than the Kenyan swine could ever imagine of doing in a life time.


    Ignorant vine swingers must follow the Liberal agenda and push all the world’s problems into Bush’s corner.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   07/08/2012  at  02:55 AM  

  8. Dr Jeff - I think Drew is sick and tired of America being bashed for something that while it happened - was happening (and is STILL happening today) as if it was just yesterday that if happened here, that 99% of all WHITE Americans owned, encouraged, allowed, or participated in some way to slavery and that 147 years AFTER freeing them all - we are still blamed for it.

    He is right that the tribes stole other tribal people and sold them, he is right that we fought a war (actually it was about STATES RIGHTS, which is an Amendment to the Constitution - but revisionist historians choose to make it about slavery). And besides that - the little known fact that importation of slaves was abolished Federally in 1808 seems to escape everyone - that America was on the way to ending the practice, long before the war.

    It is simply an evil way to keep racism alive and well in the World - much on the par of Imadinnerjackets rantings in Iran about the Jews and the lies of WWII - is that what anyone wants slavery in America to devolve into? And btw, the BIGGEST slave importer in the ‘West’ was Cuba. Facts are those terrible little inconvenient things that get in the way of a good composite story to emo reality into exactly what you want to bash your enemy.

    People suck enough without making up lies to rabble rouse the stupid.

    Slavery happened in America - who was not and will never be the biggest participant - but one must look to the very continent this arrogant Sata lives on - to see where it’s highest numbers are right now and have to wonder how he can be such a hypocrite - but then he lied about America being a colonial nation in Africa - glad Bush called him on that one.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/08/2012  at  05:22 AM  

  9. The ancestors on both sides of my family came to America in the 1880’s, which was about 15 years after Lincoln freed the slaves.

    So, I bear Nada guilt.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   07/08/2012  at  06:26 AM  

  10. To this day Muslims sell slaves and dont mince words about it, so, to any of the stupid who think its out of practice in the civilized world,Get real.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/08/2012  at  08:14 AM  

  11. "C:\Users\Eddie\Pictures\african job.jpg

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   07/08/2012  at  08:54 AM  

  12. I guess the American media aren’t the only ones who pull out the race card.

    Posted by Tired American    United States   07/08/2012  at  01:56 PM  

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