

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/13/2007 at 10:50 AM   
  1. Mr. Christian,
    Rome was not built in a day.  Feel free to call on your reserves, but feel free to use links to point to examples of leadership that is frequently found on the internet.  I have solely chosen to read blogs such as these to educate myself on what is going on and getting another opinion.  After I stopped reading newspapers ( I use to subscribe to the NYT, LAT, WAPO and my local rag during the 80’s), I slowly pullled the plug on all of them over 10 years ago. I don’t watch the 3 major network news broadcasts anymore due to the same reasons of the agenda driven MSM.  As far as cable news, they are getting to be just as bad.  I solely rely on the 30 or so blogs I read each day to keep me informed. 

    It takes practice and poking around to find your identity.  Someday you will realize you hit your audience and then you will have achieved full stride.

    Take care…

    Posted by Sergei    United States   07/13/2007  at  11:00 AM  

  2. Yes part of the greatness of BMEWS was Allan’s spot on commentary - but we can never let them win. There are great thinkers and speakers out there - conservative, Republican, moderate, rational, sane, patriotic, and freedom lovers - we shall find another. Even if you have to just keep linking until then.

    The problem is the way America has been seized in every aspect (msm, social, political, leagal, spiritually, morally) by the lunatic screeders of moonbat madness - and they have control of the common airwaves and so it is implied and infered that everyone is them and thinks like them and believes as they do.

    I have a small sign above my computer - it is meant religiously but works for the liberals who are attempting to highjack the American way of life:

    The enemy has already been defeated, he has no power over us. His only power over us is if we believe his lies.

    And sadly - that is why we are where we are today - too many people are believing the spin of the media. Even in the face of the truth.

    However, I do believe that the fact America elected President Bush over the Gore and then over Kerry (even in the midst of OIF) and the failure of the 110th Congress shows that what the msm is touting on an hourly basis - is in truth - lies - and the American people who vote know it.

    I am hanging onto the gut feeling that Nov 06 was a warning shot (and not an ‘overwhelming’ Democrat mandate - which they’d done nothing with) to Republicans, conservatives and moderates to grasp the reins and stop the lunatics from running this country and ruining our futures.

    So far it has happened. We need to stick together and keep up the work. I know I am speaking to the choir here - but we all see things from our little corner of the World - as so we all bring a special view - which then helps us all to go on and discuss so much better and fuller when we are accosted by liberals and other moonbats out there in our lives.

    And that is the most important aspect of this site and always has been. Keep us armed and dangerous in this Wrong is Right, Up is Down moonbat World.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/13/2007  at  11:19 AM  

  3. Yeah, what they said.

    Yup, the world’s turned upside down. It can be very depressing. Writing about it is hard, and finding out new bits (that everyone else hasn’t written about already) is tough. What you may not know is that I used to feed Allan about 6 to 10 stories a week, and I’m sure many other members did the same. Once he started up the members blog I kinda stopped that, and after his death I really haven’t made much effort there either.

    So, while you recharge and ponder, the ball is in our court. Every one of us is surroundd by stupidity ... Stuck On Stupid seems to be the world motto for the new millenium. I’m sure every member here could find several items for submission without much effort. Severa’s Kumbayah post the other day about the NAACP is a great example. The “I’m being blackmailed"/publicity stunt of Miss New Jersey this week is another one. No, neither one is as world shaking as the are-we-imagining-it-? invasion of Lebanon by Syria story that the MSM is burying, but they’re items nonetheless. The MSM reaction to Chertoff’s Gut Feeling statement the other day was a decent bit of moonbattery as well.

    Governmental follies are constant. Geraldo is almost always a dingdong. I accidently turned the TV to MSNBC the other day and watched 5 minutes of Dan Abrams. What a moonie!

    So the stories are out there ... they just need to be found and submitted.

    Pithy commentary is a skill you’ll gain with practice. While it’s always entertaining to read a good fisking, or one of Mischa’s RCOB tirades, BMEWS has had a more subtle, insightful style. That was Allan’s way. But Allan’s gone, and nobody is expecting you to become him. Write what you feel in your own way, and if it strikes a chord we’ll all come back for more.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/13/2007  at  12:01 PM  

  4. Mr. Christian,

    Nobody expects you to be anyone but yourself.

    Wrap the saffron robe about your head and meditate for a bit.  Also listen to the posts that counsel getting some help--that you know where to go look on the web and link-up with insightful thinking in addition to your own is more helpful than you might think.

    In the end, though, be true to yourself.

    Onward thru the fog, sir.

    Posted by Gabby    United States   07/13/2007  at  01:45 PM  

  5. Hello Mr. Christian,

    You can really only follow the style you are good at.  My personal thought is that simply discussing the contrasts between the reporting one finds on the BBC, CBS, CNN, Michael Yon, Al Jazeera and HufPo could yield a grand debate.  btw - I wouldn’t even try to add someone like Michael Moore to the debate.  He’s much too blatant, insidious and biased.

    I regularly visit all those sites and more.  Frequently, I am astounded how two write ups of the same incident can be so different in the picture they portray.  Interestingly, Al Jazeera is usually one of the more centered news sources, as opposed to the BBC which is almost blatantly anti American.  There really are no forums where opposing viewpoints are debated, with the moderator acting like a referee to keep the tone professional.

    To have a good debate, you need to have rational opposing viewpoints.  Around here, I’m probably the most “liberal” of the regular contributors.  To you I might be a bit liberal, but to most of the world I am very much a conservative.  Weird.  One problem has been when a true, full on liberal shows up, their only interest seems to be in name calling and insults.  I assume you followed the “discussion” between me and an anonymous poster a some weeks ago.  The debate between us was actually a lot more telling than the original post.

    Your call Mr. Christian.  If you can figure out how to keep this working, I’ll appreciate it.  If not, I’ll miss this forum, but I’ll understand. 

    Hang in and good luck.


    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/13/2007  at  03:28 PM  


    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   07/13/2007  at  05:08 PM  

  7. Boy, I say, Boy...can’t live without your blog..Please close up my shop...A guy form Korea

    Posted by Hosik    Korea (South)   07/13/2007  at  07:08 PM  

  8. You are very good. Maybe not the Skipper, but quite good in your own right. Use the ideas for linking, co-hosts, etc. Do not give up! Was it not some specific historical figure said much the same? For every right wing blogger who surrenders, THEY are closer to winning. Do not let the Skippers dream die! Use whatever assistance you can get!  long face  banghead  titanic

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/13/2007  at  09:17 PM  

  9. don’t be a putz.  do what you do well and continue doing it. your last think/link on ‘war by sept’ was excellent food for thought. The skipper, R.I.P., was boring as hell sometimes from a literary standpoint. but he made me think and so do you. so link and think. and the other guy is right.  open up to some guest bloggers. the world is full of a few (note the irony there) people that have the capacity to blog but not the time, technical expertise, or the inclination to either full time or set their own site. so............take advantage of that fact. you drop barking moonbat, you drop the legacy. captain the ship as it were and stop trying to swab the deck, trim the sails, and fire the cannons all by yourself. mangun *AT*

    Posted by manilaman    Philippines   07/13/2007  at  10:02 PM  

  10. Mr. Christian,

    I am not sure how far in advance Allan had his web hosting account paid in advance. I hope you can keep the site alive for at least that long.

    Other folks, including me, have been sysadmins, and contributed here before. Maybe you can find someone else to write.

    Good luck.


    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   07/14/2007  at  12:46 AM  

  11. Hello, first of all, thanks for allowing me to post on your site. I’m a relatively new blogger (only about four months or so now), and perhaps I have suffered from any burn out or fatigue due to my relative “neophyte” status. I read a user comment posted above stating that it may be beneficial to allow co-bloggers to help you along. If you wish to take that route of action, please count on me to post. I maintain “Right is Right.” (, focusing primarily on the perverse amalgamation of the Left and Islam in the War on Terror.

    If you require assistance, please feel free to add my hat to the ring…


    Posted by ToddAnthony    United States   07/14/2007  at  05:43 PM  

  12. Mr. Christian,


    Don’t downplay ‘linking’ as opposed to ‘thinking’. I started off visiting BMEWS ‘cause I liked Vilmar’s links in the morning before work. Skipper was saved for after work when I would have time to read and digest his ‘thinking’. But links from a source I trust are also good. Remember, the MSM do have ‘linkers’. They are called ‘editors’. ‘Editors’ decide what is news. Think of yourself as an editor, include some editorial comments, and Voila! A post to keep us BMEWS’d. (BMEWS’d...bemused...get it… banghead )

    Allan had invited me originally to be a guest poster one day a week. Maybe you, Mr. Christian, were part of the same plan. I don’t know. The fact is that I failed the Skipper due to my own health and family issues. (I can’t even keep up my own blog!)

    But I think the Skipper’s reasoning is sound; find some guest bloggers who would contribute once a week. Think of it as not being a guest ‘poster’, but a guest ‘commentator’. I suspect that most of us can’t fire off a commentary like the Skipper could. We need time to think about it, maybe do some research, etc.

    Thinking takes time. Probably the main reason I can’t keep up my own blog...I feel a time crunch. As if by the time I think and write about an issue, it’s last week’s news. Who cares?

    The fact is that I care. I no longer want to ‘keep up with the Joneses’, ie: the MSM. I’m tired of the ‘sound-byte’ mentality. I want to take time to think about issues. I think Allan started his Argonaut blog for just that reason. Can we do less?

    So having some guest commentators, who would, of course, include links to the relevant articles, would be a good thing.

    Having just reread this, some might think I’ve just said ‘linking’ is bad. Not at all. Linking is good, provided that I agree with Mr. Christian’ editor’s editorial policy.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/14/2007  at  08:39 PM  

  13. I know you will do what is best for you and your family (top priority). If that is the issue, then godspeed.

    However, if you are considering shutting down because you believe you can’t fill Allan’s shoes, remember that you are not Allan. The visitors of this blog do miss him but no one can take his place.

    You are a unique individual with your own style, which will develop and become more apparent with time. If you enjoy keeping up this site (and it should never be considered “work” but an “enjoyment") then just do it and the rest will follow.

    Posted by CharmingBarracuda    United States   07/15/2007  at  09:22 AM  

  14. Good decision thanks

    Posted by manilaman    Philippines   07/15/2007  at  06:25 PM  

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