Politics In Arizona


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/26/2006 at 06:50 AM   
  1. Skipper, if it EVER came to Mexico annexing Arizona...I’ll move back East!

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/26/2006  at  08:35 AM  

  2. >Amnesty? No! Guest worker program? Maybe! Seal the border? Hell, yes! Fine businesses who hire illegals? You bet! Vote out the jerks who are playing with this issue? YOU BET!<

    Skipper I’ve emailed that to my Senator critters and Congress critter almost daily this past 3 weeks - I am sure that they are really, really tired of my emails - but I want them to be sure that I don’t want them to roll over and play dead on this issue. I end all of the emails with

    Don’t sell out America to criminals.

    They are catching drugs, CO knows that 75% of it’s meth problem is caused by illegals and still these barking moonbats are doing almost nothing. What is it going to take - the annexation attempt of one state for them to realize how really dangerous this issue and these people are???

    What good is it going to be for America to absorb 20 million criminals??? Yeah, right that they are going to benefit America and add to her economy. Even my teenagers are that damn stupid.

    I am ashame that I’ve been so shortsighted on electing these morons into office. . . I will never do it again. I will watch and read everything I can - and I’ve already volunteered to work during the next election (Nov.) . . .

    I think (and hope and pray) that these idiots, morons, liars, cheats and lunatics get the message this November.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/26/2006  at  10:26 AM  

  3. Do you guys need some help with the strange picture? no its not the moon, its a map, i had to post this comment, sorry. grin

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/26/2006  at  02:18 PM  

  4. Folks, you worry too much. Mexico would get kicked in the groin if it tried to annex any part of the US. Do you think the Govenor of Arizona would sit by and let his territory be gobbled up by a Third World nation? NO! The National Guard would be called out to repell the invaders. Arizona would end up with their own heroic Sam Houston. And the Mexican-Arizona War would be a blip on history. Just like the Mexican-American war is just a blip. The only time Mexico has won a war was against...wait for it...the French. Hence their Cinco de Mayo celebrations.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   05/26/2006  at  04:53 PM  

  5. Christopher it is NOT Mexico I am worried about - it is the traitors, brainless, spineless, PC whinners, moonbats, tinfoil hat wearers, and just plain morons who seem to have the reins and unfortunately the ears of way too many judges, lawyers, and politicians. They are trying to bring down America from within - besides now we have between 11 to 20 million illegal accomplices to ‘help’ tear down America.

    When I read things like here - I believe that most of America is still functioning and has brain cells. The last two elections (actually since traitor President James Carter) the MAJORITY of Americans have not voted for the liberal, leftist, democrat candidate. I wonder if the only reason the dems allowed Perot to run was because they knew it was the only chance Clinton had. But when I read the insanity and then see my (supposedly) Republican Senators vote for basically a free pass for illegals and an open season on our borders - I just have to wonder.

    Wrote to both of my turncoat cowards and told them to not bother or annoy me with even a single piece of literature or plea for money as I will never vote for either one again. I am just so disappointed with the goings on in DC right now. Hopefully, it won’t be all out war in America before common sense and rational what is best for America rule comes back.

    flag  uzi

    I know that there are true, proud, strong Americans who see Patriotism, Duty, Honor and Country as more important than even their lives. Remember All Who Served America and Gave - whether it was simply time out of their ‘regular’ lives, injury or their lives.  I can not print out the 2738 names of those who have given their lives in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. I will however list those who I have personal knowledge of either them or their families: Pray for SGT Keith ‘Matt’ Maupin, the only US Soldier held captive in Iraq, CPT Christopher Seifert (first 101st soldier kia, by a fellow soldier in Kuwait), MAJ Gregory Stone (second 101st soldier kia, by a fellow soldier in Kuwait), 2LT Therril ‘Shane’ Childers (1st American kia in OIF), SPC Brandon Rowe (first 101st kia in combat in OIF), SPC Thomas Foley (101st), SGT Leonard Simmons (101st), SPC Charles Haight (Ft. Lewis WA), PFC Ray Joseph Hutchinson (101st), SGT Troy Jenkins (101st), and CPT Brian Faunce (Ft. Carson, CO).

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/27/2006  at  07:11 AM  

  6. Shit, if Mexico ever took over Arizona, in 5 years they’d run it into the ground so it would look just like Mexico.

    Posted by rudebadger    United States   05/27/2006  at  12:01 PM  

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