Political Correctness Goes Mad


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 12/23/2004 at 03:23 PM   
  1. Frank, thanks for the links! You’ve earned the BMEWS Research Award for the day. I’m going to e-mail the principal. That motto sounds like it was drafted at the ACLU headquarters. It also reflects a derivation from several of the Ten Commandments, oddly enough.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   12/23/2004  at  04:43 PM  

  2. Not sure of any evidence linking Santa Clause to the Bible, but I do know the first recorded case of PMS was in the New Testament when it reads, Mary rode Joseph’s ass all the way to Bethlehem. 

    big surprise

    Posted by Texasgal    United States   12/23/2004  at  05:04 PM  

  3. Allan,
    This is a copy of the e-mail I sent to this fucktard!

    “It was a holiday party,” said Muscara. “It was not a Christmas party. There is a separation of church and state. We have a lot of students that go to Hampton Academy Junior High that have different religions. We have to be sensitive to that.”

    You sir, are an incredible ass, and by your words and actions are a representative of all that is wrong with American public education today.  My God man, when you were in the seventh grade did the sight of someone in a Santa suit do irreparable brain damage to you?

    Get a grip on reality; get out of the kids’ way and allow them to be children. Trust me; they will all too soon be warped into your narrow outlook on life.  As for you, get a life!

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   12/23/2004  at  06:27 PM  

  4. The leftist vermin continue to insist on sowing dragon’s teeth.  The outcome is made certain by their studied blindness to what they are doing.

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   12/23/2004  at  07:51 PM  

  5. Am not surprised- have you ever been to Hampton? Been there - a honky-tonk town.......yuck is my word for that area.....

    Posted by Dottie    United States   12/24/2004  at  12:08 AM  

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