Hey there… you, yes you ... you PESTs.
I have another happy thought for you:
The 1994 Assault Weapon Ban is over and a bunch of us dumb, white, conservative, rednecks went out and bought one ... just ‘fer spite.
We live in your cities, towns, neighborhoods.
Hell, I went out and bought 4. More to come in 2005!
What can I say? That’s South Floriduh for you…
I’m torn between tightening the borders with Georgia and Alabama and getting a Mental Health Counselors License and cash in on this thing…
The entire self-proclaimed “mental health profession” is shot full of opportunists and quacks who troll for business by fabricating “disorders.” This PEST farce is simply the latest entry in a long column. When it goes out of vogue (meaning, when it is no longer lucrative enough), it’ll be replaced by another sucker trap.
Ric, Always, ALWAYS go for the money!!
Especially when you can take it off these foron moonbats.
In view of how readily the moonbats can be induced to part with their money, I wonder how they held the remains of their heads together long enough to accumulate the money in the first place.
You’re right Vilmar…
As Tannenberg points out it’s a never ending source of income…
However as Kim du Toit pointed out it is a proffession loaded with girlie-men and I don’t know how my “shit that’s a bummer so deal with it wussie” aditude would cut it in the trade…
Life has so many desicions…
Yeah, Ric, but being a wiley CAPITALISTIC Republican surely you can “fake it” for a little bit. Just enough to clean them out. And just before the last session you let ‘em have it with both barrels telling them what weaklings they are. Then laugh on your way to the bank.
That’s easy Tannenburg , it’s called the mental health portion of health insurance. They all have it…
Besides a talented provider can convince them that if they don’t ransom their first born, etc. for treatment cost they will end up a Republican right-wing fundelmentalist born again Christian, own a pit bull and many guns and drink domestic beer from a can… Bwahaha
Vilmar’s right. And by the way, when did you ever hear of a so-called “counselor” being sued for malpractice? Go for it, Ric.
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