Pass Me The Reynolds Wrap


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/09/2008 at 12:17 PM   
  1. Put it on mine as well.  confused in_jail

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   11/09/2008  at  01:29 PM  

  2. I Know this is a double post - but I want to light a few fuzes…

    Fellow “48 percenters” -
    I have spent my few days being disillusioned, hurt, angry, bitter, pissed-off. Ok, we now have a Chicago thug as a politician elect, and a kleptocratic bunch of lawyers poised to rewrite our Constitution into the next socialist manifesto. And we have sheep for neighbors who don’t deserve to have someone yell “fire” if they were burning in the street.  That’s about how I see it. Well, I am letting everyone know I am no sheep.  And personally, when they scream because they are being shorn (after being lied to) I am going to enjoy the show.
    I have just ordered the Gadsden flag from If you know your American history – (Lord knows it’s taught very little now) it’s the one that says “Don’t tread on me” with the Rattlesnake.  That is the point – socialists – the rattlesnake. I am recommending this to everyone I know who still has freedom in their souls.  Who knows ? It might be a rallying cry once again.

    My American flag will be secured while this storm continues. Raise the battle flag.

    Don’t Tread on Me.

    Spread the word ...

    Posted by T    United States   11/09/2008  at  03:16 PM  

  3. GollyGeeze Drew,
    Are you really trying to infer that the reason gasoline went from $1.45 a gallon to $4.50 a gallon (in the time span of one presidential term) was the Democrats fault?  I do not have all the answers, but have heard from others that this is what happens when you put an oil man in charge of running the country.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   11/09/2008  at  06:32 PM  

  4. The Wet Fart

    The wet fart is an abomination unto mankind. It is like an assassin, or sniper. It sneaks up on you under guise of humble air, and bursts upon the scene with irreversible consequences.

    The wet fart is a Trojan Horse, a spy guised in his enemy’s uniform. It is an unfair foe. There are no gastrointestinal warnings of a liquified defecation, no frightening murmurings of the colon. And, just when one thinks one is about to vent a nice, pleasant left cheek sneak, mayhem.

    I despise the wet fart. But only from a philosophical standpoint, because I, of course, have never experienced one. But it is an avocation of mine to interview people about their wet farts, and take copious notes.

    Well, it’s a hobby, actually. A very disturbing hobby.

    Ya’ll sleep tight. And put a cork in it.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   11/09/2008  at  08:38 PM  

  5. I have long suspected that Soros (who hates himself and any free economy/nation) wouldn’t bat an eye or a billion to destroy the USofA. And T - I (We) are no sheeple either. We need to keep on each and every one of our ‘representatives’ - as they will sell us out for the next election donation. To toe the Constitutional line until we can legitimately take out B. Hussein Obama.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/10/2008  at  10:12 AM  

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