Paris Is Burning


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/30/2005 at 02:57 AM   
  1. From what I’ve read, the French, internally, have one of the toughest policies toward offenders. Things that would never fly her, like long detentions w/out attorney & arrests for flimsy suspicions.

    Posted by Oink    United States   10/30/2005  at  09:20 AM  

  2. They’re going to need all that shit and then some. They’re waking up to the problem that they have taken on and I don’t think they’ll roll over as easily as their neighbors seem to be doing, and certainly not as easily as they have for their neighbors in the past.

    There will be no bans on jambon.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   10/30/2005  at  09:59 AM  

  3. Skipper: I emailed you a picture of an itty bitty little Paris fire truck a year ago.

    If a fire broke out in Paris they couldn’t put it out.  Their fire trucks are nothing more than little red vans that they call - fire trucks.

    Just like French hospitals.  They arn’t real hospitals.  I knew when Arafat checked into that Paris hospital he was a dead man.

    There is no hell there is only France - FZ

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   10/30/2005  at  12:38 PM  

  4. Oink the French are not my favourite nation, but I do respect their police. If someone is arrested by the police in France they will be up before a judge the next day, unlike in England where it can take months to prosecute. Also the population as a whole respect the police. In England the scumbags mouth off all the time to the police, who are heavily restrained from retaliating. In France if you give the police any lip you are likely to get a shellacking from their night sticks. In their jails they have no problems with mooslims or vegetarians who require special diets as they give them bread and water!

    In the end I am fearful for what will happen in Europe with the ever increasing moooslim population. I think thise incident and the recent riots in England are a taste of what lies ahead.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   10/30/2005  at  03:58 PM  

  5. I agree re the gendarmes—les flics.  Polite, dignified and don’t take no shit.

    Posted by Oink    United States   10/31/2005  at  09:39 AM  

  6. Sound like a plan, mon ami. “You have the right to remain dead...”

    Posted by Oink    United States   10/31/2005  at  10:07 AM  

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