Parade of Pride for The Grotesque!  Yeah.  Queers in the news again. When are they ever out of it?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 06/29/2009 at 02:38 PM   
  1. If the rumours are true it should be her husband that is in the parade along with Lord Fondleson of Bhoys.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/29/2009  at  03:41 PM  

  2. Maybe that is why she is doing it - to throw a little gas on the rumor flames or encourage him to come ‘out’ and she can be the pathetic ‘victim’ in the divorce action. All politicians are corrupt and it appears (Monika Conyers) now even their spouses are too.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/01/2009  at  06:33 AM  

  3. Meh, come down to the Blue Coast, we get about a trillion of ‘em.

    And some of them are actually good.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are godawful sights where thousands of people make absolute fools of themselves in front of their fellow citizens by walking around doing things that are almost CERTAINLY in violation of public decency laws with everything from- ehhh, I’m not going to even go there. Needless to say, rhe majority of them require one to keep all persons 18 or younger well out of site.

    The thing that irks me FAR more is the fact that, at the very same time that these people COULD actually be doing something constructive to this Republic- hell, even to their cause- they go an act like absolute idiots.

    At a time that these morons are prancing around in extremely inappropriate thongs in front of an audience, they could be going around pushing for marriage reform- IE attempting to hammer out some of the legal/financial incongruities between Homosexual civil unions and marriages (believe me, the legal red tape on those two are a MAJOR reason why even moderate Gays camp alongside the “activists”, and it would be far better for pretty much everyone if those issues are dealt with) while trying to allow authorized churches (with the authorization laws being relatively lax- just keep the normal incest/polygamy/underage issues at bay- to set their own definitions for marriage.

    At the same time that they are constructing what can only be called some of the tackiest floats on God’s Green Earth (and since I have had the acute displeasure of seeing what the ever-more-insane neighborhood Commies, Islamists, and Neo-Nazis cook up, this is saying a lot) , they could be vigorously protesting the brutal persecution- and often outright killings- of their fellow Homosexuals in even less enlightened places than the decadent “colonial” societies of the West.

    But, you see, that would require actual WORK, actual DEDICATION, actual DRIVE, actual desire to do something that does not result in instant gratification, something that will likely bring oneself nothing but hardship but could conceivably ease a relatively large source of discontent in today’s society.

    It is understandable why the majority of the “Pride Parade” crowd couldn’t do it. After all, that would require genuine drive and a public interest in bettering the lot of something outside of one’s own decadent lifestyle.

    And how many do you think could even get out of bed long enough to even start?

    And the truly scary thing?

    It is hardly only a problem for gays. The DOP (Damn Old Party) is full of it too.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   07/02/2009  at  06:56 PM  

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