Our Roving Reporter In Crawford, TX


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/18/2005 at 03:20 PM   
  1. I got one: ”I Feel Sorry for Prince Charles!

    Posted by Macker    United States   08/18/2005  at  03:44 PM  

  2. Cindy: You are dishonoring the memory of your son with your actions.

    Posted by gdonovan    United States   08/18/2005  at  03:47 PM  

  3. Thanks, Skipper!

    We’re going to take a picture before we leave showing us with a banner that says

    ‘We’re going from Douglasville, GA to Crawford, TX to bitch-slap Cindy Sheehan’

    Of course we’ll remove the banner before leaving so that some moonbat doesn’t feel the need to pop a cap in us!

    Posted by beermeanie    United States   08/18/2005  at  04:16 PM  

  4. Sorry boys and girls but I feel deep sorrow and sympathy for Cindy Sheehan. I cannot imagine the depths of her sorrow and pain at having lost her son. The signs and banners should be directed at the son’s of bitches who are using her and feeding off of her grief. Send those assholes to Baghdad and let them get their fat asses blown to pieces. Rage should be directed towards them and not her. When all the noise dies down, all the protesters have moved to other causes, and all of her new found “friends” have left and disppeared, Cindy will still be heartbroken and grieving over her lost son. I would hope that she will have memories of some kind hearted people from the “other” side, that reached out to her and let her know that, even though we might disagree, our human side is touched by her grief.

    Posted by texman0000    United States   08/18/2005  at  05:02 PM  

  5. What would Nathan Hale say?

    What would Casey Sheehan say?

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/18/2005  at  07:32 PM  

  6. Cindy Sheehan; You’ve gone too far, now BE gone.

    Posted by piccalo    United States   08/18/2005  at  07:37 PM  

  7. "Cindy Lies-Servicemen Cry.

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   08/18/2005  at  10:17 PM  

  8. Wow you all scared her and she flew home in advance… her Mother had a stroke is the story, but her spokeswoman said she hoped to be back in 24-48 hours.. Man priorities.. If 1 of my parents had a stroke and was hospitalized I would stay there as long as needed and not leave for a silly moonbat Protest..

    Posted by Infinity    United States   08/18/2005  at  10:38 PM  

  9. Tex, I’m a mom, too.  I would be totally devastated to lose one of my precious girls! 

    You probably don’t know it but my very 1st born, super, special, wonderful, daughter is in the military as we speak.  She’s in the 4th year of a 6 yr enlistment.  She has done a tour in the desert and put into harm’s way.

    Don’t you think that I would rather die than to see anything happen to her? 

    The problem I have with Mz Sheehan is the fact that she’s using her son’s death to launch her anti-war platform.  Oh, and the fact that she doesn’t think this country is worth dying for. 

    I happen to think that it is.

    Posted by beermeanie    United States   08/18/2005  at  10:54 PM  

  10. Reminds me of several folks that have called in to Rush Limbaugh and/or Sean Hannity; parents, siblings, or spouses of soldiers injured or killed in Iraq or Afghanistan.  To a man (woman, in many cases), they all are disgusted by Sheehan.

    As for those who pity Sheehan for the media’s exploitation of her, remember this: they’re just providing a microphone; it’s up to her whether to speak or not.  She’s not so much a victim of the media moonbats as she is a willing accomplise.  She’s a liberal moonbat focal point right now, and that’s why she’s doing this - she’s getting attention and approval from others like her.  Don’t expect her to listen to sense; I’m not sure she’s capable of it anymore.

    As for BeerMeanie, good luck.  Banshee-han ain’t gonna listen, but America is, on talk radio, on the blogosphere, and yes, even to the media’s silence toward you and all like you.  We listen, and we know through listening that the moonbats are losing and growing desperate.  Keep it up.

    Posted by JSThane    United States   08/19/2005  at  02:21 AM  

  11. A greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend!  These words spoken many years ago Extend also to the ones preserving Freedom for us. Thank you Casey.

    Posted by bat crusher    United States   08/19/2005  at  03:03 AM  

  12. 1. The mainstream media isn’t

    2. Main-stream media is todays terrorist

    3, The American media is Al-Qaidas 5th column

    Posted by RickD94    United States   08/19/2005  at  09:22 AM  

  13. Re 16:

    MSM Lies, and Soldiers Die

    (MSM acts as the forward observers for the enemy, in many instances)

    ABC Always Broadcasting Crap
    NBC Nothing But Crap
    CBS Constant Bull S**T
    CNN Complete Nonsense Network
    PBS Proletarian Bull S**t
    MSNBC More S**T, Nothing But Crap
    NPR Not Patriotic Radio

    (I haven’t figured out one for FOX yet)


    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   08/19/2005  at  12:01 PM  

  14. OCM, there is already an “exit plan” and it’s pretty simple: Win, set up a freely elected government, prepare them to defend it themselves, leave.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/19/2005  at  02:18 PM  

  15. (Somehow I fear that I’m gonna regret this. Here goes anyway.)

    What do you mean, OCM?

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/19/2005  at  02:42 PM  

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