Osamie the Commie?


Good picture choice huh? That bird is half black and half white, just like the Time magazine cover. And wherever he goes, the red part gets there first.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/06/2008 at 02:03 PM   
  1. Drew I am not really best placed to comment as I am not able to vote in US elections, however the US President is still the most powerful person in the world so here’s my 2c. I have to say that none of them are particularly appealing. However from this side of the pond it seems to me both of the Democrats are pretty much unelectable. Last night Al-BBC was showing a program from a season on terrorism. This part was about the rise of Osama Bin-Liner. They showed in detail the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and pointed out that at the time Clinton was pre-occupied with the Lewinsky affair. The US Ambassador had written to Madeleine Allbright about the vulnerability of the Embassy and was ignored. It seems to me a vote for Shrillary is a back door vote for Slick Willy. In any event Shrillary is creepy. She seems to me to be obsessed with controlling the levers of power.
    Obama on the other hand. Well it’s hard to like him. I can’t put my finger on it, but there is just something not kosher about him. As you say if it walks, swims and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/07/2008  at  02:58 AM  

  2. I wish I could agree with you 100%, Lyndon. Creepy yes. Unfortunately, unelectable, no. Back in 1996 the Republicans came to power on Newt Gingrich’s vision of “hope and change”, although it wasn’t really based on hoping, it was based on having answers and putting out a hard copy version saying THIS is what we are going for in THIS time frame, hold us to that. Much more clear and measurable than mere hope. It worked until Newt left Congress. After that, Republicans ran using the same message of what they stood for, but once the election was over they just went for the money. They tried to stay in power by becoming cheap copies of liberal Democrats. Voters are still feeling the sting of that, and no Republican is really addressing that except for, once again, Newt Gingrich. But since he’s not running for office, no one seems to be listening to him much.
    We need someone willing to make as radical a break as Ron Paul, yet better grounded in reality than Paul is. And so far as I can tell, we don’t have him.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/07/2008  at  06:04 AM  

  3. It’s a duck. OBL, oops, BHO is a stone ass marxist moose slime. Hitlery Rotten Anti-Christ is a MarxLeninStalinist. McVain will be but damage control, and the only way he’ll be worth a damn is if we get a decent congress. Vote. This really hurts. Pain is natures way of telling you you screwed up. McVain and a decent CONGRESS are the only way to avoid the necessity for the reset button. RW2 is near guaranteed by either of the registered Ds in power. It can only be avoided with McVain through a decent CONGRESS. A vote for Elmer Fudd is only a guarantee of the need for said reset button.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/07/2008  at  09:19 AM  

  4. Like it or not, we will probably have a Democratic President this next election.  The current state of what the Republican candidate (and administration) has brought around for US leaves many with a easy choice.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   05/07/2008  at  10:08 AM  

  5. Osamie Nobama walks like a commie, swims like a commie and quacks like a commie, and hangs out with known commies, so indeed he is a daffy commie duck

    Just remember, he’s half not white, and half not black, but he is 100% red.  titanic

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   05/07/2008  at  10:18 AM  

  6. -’Like it or not, we will probably have a Democratic President this next election.  The current state of what the Republican candidate (and administration) has brought around for US leaves many with a easy choice.’- Sorry I think that only a small percentage of Americans (the rabid, foaming at the mouth bds’ers) believe that line.

    What most Americans are looking at is the candidates themselves - And HRC is a known vile quanity (but, safer and less radical than her opponent) - Obama The Movement is too socialist/commie/liberal and and character/personally unknown for too many Americans (and his bitter comment reeks of John Kerryism) - and McAmnesty can only be controlled from steamrolling into liberalism by a strong Republican Congress - don’t see it happening.

    So it is vote for the lesser of three evils - and that is the problem and the disgrace of the 2008 election - None of them is the best America can offer and will destroy America - it will just be a case of how fast and how much. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/08/2008  at  10:26 AM  

  7. So it is vote for the lesser of three evils - and that is the problem and the disgrace of the 2008 election - None of them is the best America can offer and will destroy America - it will just be a case of how fast and how much. . .

    Indeed. And I personally am getting sick to $&#*ing DEATH of that part. Why is no one that is what would in fact BE good for America willing to run?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/08/2008  at  08:48 PM  

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