Open Discussion: Cindy Sheehan


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Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/13/2005 at 12:02 PM   
  1. Well said… In fact, better stated then any other commentary I’ve read on the Sheehan fiasco.  It is most difficult to comment on a grieving mother while still opposing her viewpoint without sounding like a monster.  Her son was said to have re-enlisted and if true, means he supported the war and wished to continue fighting with his men ‘brothers’.  I’ve heard of other soldiers who have written letters and even recorded videos begging their families not to do with Sheehan is doing.  Some have taken measures to ensure multiple copies of those letters and videos will be widely distributed if their family members go to far.  Many soldiers joined the military against the wishes of their parents.

    Posted by MJS    United States   08/13/2005  at  11:45 AM  

  2. Yes, he re-enlisted and knew he was going to Iraq when he did. He was a mechanic attached to artillery and volunteered to go on the rescue mission where he was killed. There’s a long story about it here.

    Cindy Sheehan has changed her tune for political reasons and is using the unfortunate death of her brave son to advance her ideology and is in turn being used by the proponents of the same ideology. This is reprehensible.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/13/2005  at  11:15 PM  

  3. Well, that didn’t work. try this:

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/13/2005  at  11:24 PM  

  4. As a parent I’m afraid I have no sympathy for the woman at all, to me she is pissing on her son’s grave. If my daughter as an adult were to join the army I would be proud that was the path she took instead of something safer. Would I be worried? Sure I would but the bottom line is *she is an adult and it’s her choice to make* and I would have to live with it. The army kilss people and blows things up, in return people have been known to get killed by the other side, it’s part of the job description which includes going into harms way when ordered by the C.I.C.

    It was his choice to join the army, he knew the risks of being in Iraq and still re-enlisted when he could have taken the easy way out. He felt the cause was just and worth the risk and put his life on the line, in short he “walked the talk” unlike a great deal of other people who mainly protest at a safe distance.

    Where are all those “human shield” scum that flocked to Saddams side before the war? No doubt parked at a Starbucks sipping a beverage while planning their next protest to save the world while totally ignorant of the fact dictators don’t give a damn about their pathetic dislays of faux outrage.

    By her actions, Cindy Sheehan has insulted her son.

    We need more people like him and fewer people like her.


    Posted by gdonovan    United States   08/14/2005  at  07:38 AM  

  5. And that ain’t all. Now this bitch is calling for Israel to get out of Palestine (WTF is that? Is that a country or something? Yes I’m being facetious) and she also will now refuse to pay her taxes, screaming if the IRS tries her for tax evasion, she’ll turn it into a trial about the war.

    God DAMN her! You know who owns her now.

    Posted by Macker    United States   08/14/2005  at  08:35 AM  

  6. I suspect she actually hates the fact that her son was in any way involved with the US military, and is now using his service and demise to serve her political agenda.  I’d like to shove that microphone she loves down her throat, because she is actually enjoying this revolting display.  Leftist cunt.

    God bless her son, and give the rest of her family peace.

    Posted by dick    United States   08/14/2005  at  10:17 AM  

  7. This mother is an utter disgrace to mothers of sons and daughters in the military. As the mother of boys 14,13 and 9, it is devastating to even imagine them possibly getting killed in combat. However, it would be THEIR CHOICE and I would support them in their choice. By pulling this stunt, she is not honoring the memory of her son and as someone stated above, pissing on his grave.

    I too think she had some other motive. Political or perhaps monetary (as in Runaway Bride type of potential Hollyweird productions?) Too bad Corey wasn’t put up for adoption. He deserved a better mother than this nut.

    Posted by CharmingBarracuda    United States   08/14/2005  at  11:34 AM  

  8. Sunday 8/14 - 9:15pm.........No Sunday posts????? Is there a problem? Are you still without power?  Understand several areas here in St.L. are still without power from Saturday’s storms........When I left work Saturday my whole area east of 270 was without power - My house was without power on arriving home from work at 7:30pm but it came back on by 8:30 pm - dammit - had to reset all the clocks!.........My son’s power (he lives 2 miles from me) came back on at 3:30 am today......Saw a lot of huge tree limbs down on my way to work this morning.........I have a lot of overhanging tree limbs along side of my house - this is an an easement area (not on my property) that I have been trying to get someone (AmerenUE, MSD, my subdivision) to take care of & nobody will own up to it - They all tell me that it is my problem........I guess I will have to bite the bullet & pay for an arborist to cut away the overhanging limbs since I am afraid that something might fall on my house during a terrible storm.............Had an elderly woman call 911 to bring her to the ER today just to get into an air conditioned environment - she didn’t have any medical problems - just wanted to “enjoy” our air conditioning since the power in her apartment was out - thought she could just “hang out” in the ER - unfortunately it doesn’t work that way - had to make her an ER patient since she was using our facilities & using Oxygen therapy - Our local Fire Dept. EMS group was attempting to set up a cooling station at her apartment complex but she refused to wait because she uses oxygen at home........She eventually called her O2 supplier to send an O2 tank to her brothers house & left when her brother picked her the meantime while she was with us demanded lunch & coffee & occupied an ER bed while we had many patients waiting to be seen..........Dammit - sometimes I can’t wait “til retirement so that I don’t have to but up with this crap anymore!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Dottie    United States   08/14/2005  at  09:56 PM  

  9. I’m hoping that Gold Star Chili will also distance themselves from this asshat.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/15/2005  at  12:17 AM  

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