one last night to go


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/06/2014 at 12:43 PM   
  1. "But, but, but I just last night figured out a new way to throw the ball! And I think it’s finally the right way!”
    Sound Familiar?
    Just Sayin
    . cool smirk

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/06/2014  at  01:46 PM  

  2. Hey, I know at least half a dozen ways to throw the ball wrong, consistently. And consistency is what wins games. Every one of those methods has got me games in the 200s, and series in the high 500s to low 600s. While there is no “official” proper way to bowl - everyone does it differently - there has to be a way that gives you sufficient hook, sufficient carry, doesn’t injure the bowler, and gives you the most targeting margin.

    The difference between what I have been doing ("you’re almost there” people tell me) and what epiphanied me last night was a lateral hand turn of about half an inch, along with getting another half inch further under the ball. And it made for an entirely new game.

    Of course I’m an addict. How else do you get good at a thing, unless you go at it 110%?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/06/2014  at  02:41 PM  

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