One From Carol


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/14/2010 at 05:16 PM   

    Well, I did as I couldn’t resist knowing.  It’s a mixture with stuff from his book but some changes made in the email doing the rounds.  In the original, he attacked the Republicans but the email takes on the Dems.

    Bottom line though, I’m with Drew. Every single damn word is the truth, the whole truth, and nothin’ but the truth!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/15/2010  at  05:22 AM  

  2. I think that people - both right and center, and perhaps a few left - are waking up to the fact that this was a real bad idea. And that is what is sad - if the RNC had put forth Condi Rice as a Candidate - You and I know damn well that the msm would have had no problem exposing anything about her - tearing down every single verbal error she ever made in her life and presented every single piece of paper that had her name attached to it.

    And it saddens me - that they could not - no Would Not - do it for The Won. And it is tearing apart America more and more each day.

    The Corporate CEOs who are ripping us off - are like the Union Thug Bosses - so in bed with a politico that it will be decades before We The People are privy to exactly how close they were.

    Iacocca had his problems too (a little deal with Nixon on ‘stalling’ some car safety requirements) but on the whole - he did a better job than anyone now days could ever consider.

    In Sarah Palin’s book she was talking (and attempting) to make deals with ‘Big Oil’ and brought forth a real interesting conundrum - ‘Big’ Oil loves to make deals overseas because they do not have the enviro restrictions and taxes and fees etc (plus wages for workers are zilch) - but actually sit at the tables with politicos babbling about enviro issues - Umm, would you not be able to sell yourselves to enviro wackos if you adhered to stricter requirements (and at the same time - actually doing a little to help the enviroment) - here in the US (thereby giving jobs to Americans) and keeping all monies in house?!? The craziness of the energy ‘policies’ is what is killing America. Everyone in the system won’t do what is best for America - at all. Ever. But bitch constantly about ‘energy independence’ -

    Personally I do not want to become Hati, Venezuela or Cuba - much less Somalia, Tehran or Beijing.

    But thanks to Dear Leader - We are well on our way.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/15/2010  at  08:06 AM  

  3. Back then as now its true there is really no party to nail for lack of leadership as they all pretty much jumped ship on that concept long ago when “lobby money” became the gold standard for getting anywhere in the politics game.As far a ol Lee goes he did manage to pay back the loan although as we now know it was for naught.The Tri Star is now the dead star and run by Italians,Shiiiit.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/16/2010  at  12:06 AM  

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