one family - boston 2013 never the same again


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/16/2013 at 12:51 PM   
  1. Best link I’ve seen so far, outstanding.

    These pictures have been well edited to hide the more gruesome ones, as have the TV vids compared to what went out live in the first few minutes. I’m seeing elsewhere that around 30 limbs have been lost, but the count is not yet done nor fully accurate.

    I said on another blog yesterday that these were small bombs, and it looks like I was right. Pressure cookers work well because they are heavy cast metal, which shatters instead of bending. Thus this has serious AQ hallmarks, but let’s still not jump to conclusions.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/16/2013  at  01:48 PM  

  2. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering that family is experiencing, and will continue to experience for the rest of their lives. Whoever is behind this is one sick animal, and should be put down like a rabid dog.

    As for painting “Peace” on the family’s driveway, perhaps a more fitting message would be ”Si vis pacem, para bellum”.

    If you would have peace, prepare for war.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   04/16/2013  at  03:07 PM  

  3. Oh yeah, but the knee-jerk reaction? Again? It was the TEA party. They float that log every time and every time it’s a left-wing/Islamist… but that’s redundant.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/16/2013  at  04:19 PM  

  4. Christopher:  They’ll keep floating it until it ends up being true one time, then they’ll use it as an excuse to further the natural outcome of the statist/socialist agenda.  Death is coming, writ large.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   04/16/2013  at  05:54 PM  

  5. For everyone’s information and no surprise.

    The sign the little boy made, in this morning’s paper, says it was part of a school project
    last year and was made last April because of the killing of a black teen named Trayvon Martin.

    Do you guys remember that?  Drew a thing on it at the time. So the kid was just 7 when he drew that school project.  As I said, get em early cos brain washing can’t start soon enough.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/17/2013  at  05:01 AM  

  6. I only have one thought on this (well, past very sad for all involved and I can’t imagine being that close to a bomb blast) - Look, will you at what ‘We Are The World’ has wrought upon us. And what kicking God to the curb has allowed. Ok, 4 thoughts on this!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/17/2013  at  07:59 AM  

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