One Bill, One Page: KISS


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/08/2009 at 11:27 AM   
  1. Excellent outline of a practical concept. But, you must understand, by minimizing government control you’ve automatically eliminated its probability of passing. The entire purpose of this whole thing is to increase the servility and dependence of the public.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/08/2009  at  11:37 PM  

  2. I’m ok except that the employer provided plans really need to be eliminated (not to drive Union and such crazy, how about a ‘phased out’) as I feel it is not equal - in that the better employed you are the better plans you get offered and also I do believe that it is part of the high cost of insurance rates. So phase that out for two reasons - 1) it is as I pointed out, a bit more toward fair and 2) it goes with the portability - you don’t have to rely on your job for your health insurance (read the history - mandated by - wait for it - Congress after WWII as they saw the private business sector explode).

    National buy options and cut the State Mandates (you know Unions and/or Insurance providers had to have a hand in those little practices), also would help costs.

    Bring back Major Medical - you know catastrophic care policies - for a good majority (most especially young people) it is all they need.

    Reform Medicare and most especially Medicaid - if they cut the fraud, waste and abuse from these it would be a big start to bringing down the ‘costs’ - btw, just for grins - guess who is the biggest denier of care - Yes, class you are right - Medicare - that lovely Government healthcare policy brought to you by the very same idiots who are convincing the stupid masses to let everyone take on fraud, waste, abuse, denial and of course long lines, rationed care and worthless DMV/Post Office waits and nastiness.

    And finally - Deport the Illegal Aliens as you find them - I’d bet healthcare costs in certain areas/states would plummet just from that alone. Not to mention that removing these non-citizens would also escalate our rating in the World as to health/longevity almost immediately - as I still hold that these Criminal Illegal Aliens are probably the biggest cause of our healthcare/medical problems - but hey that’s just my humble 2 cent opinion.

    And Yes, a simple One or Two page plan will cover those issues that need to be addressed and fixed and would go a long (and less expensive, not to mention less invasive) way to fixing what is wrong.

    I am really beginning to hate Dear Leader and his desire to ‘transform’ America - it is a dangerous, illegal and un-Constitutional crock of bs.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/09/2009  at  07:01 AM  

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