once you grasp the idea that it’s about ‘human rights,’ you’ll feel better about the stupidity.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/16/2010 at 02:44 PM   
  1. Geez, where to begin...?

    re: “Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt”

    Everything you need to know about this story is explained by one phrase in the subhead - “legal academic.” A crossbreed between a lawyer (or barrister, if you prefer) and an ivory-tower academic is incapable of understanding the real world consequences of what she proposes.

    re: “Failed asylum seeker who left girl, 12, to die after crash can stay in UK as deporting him would ‘breach his human rights’”

    Forget deportation. Why did this piece of trash only get four (FOUR!?!) months imprisonment for what seems like at least manslaughter, if not murder? 

    Next thing you know, convicted rapists will sue to be allowed to vote, and convicted murderers will sue their employer for firing them.

    Oh, wait..

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   12/16/2010  at  05:06 PM  

  2. I absolutely believe that Aso Mohammed Ibrahim should be allowed to stay in the country…
    ...if you let him leave you cant take him up to the roof of a 10 story building and shove him off the top on live TV.

    Posted by TimO    United States   12/16/2010  at  05:20 PM  

  3. Words fail me.......

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/16/2010  at  06:06 PM  

  4. In the Aso Ibrahim case - only one solution. Kill him.  The entire reason vigilantism is illegal and anti-societal is because we have created a society to deal with such a thing - to punish crimes within a judicial framework.  This only works, of course, when applied to EVERYONE.  Once special cases are made, that judicial framework is broken, and thus, societal protections are broken.  So, people need to take the law (or at least, justice) into their own hands once again.

    And while you’re at it, kill that sonofabitch piece of shit judge, too.  The more that happens, the less we’ll see of this kind of shit, I’d reckon.

    Posted by baboy    United States   12/16/2010  at  06:51 PM  

  5. The chinese seem to have a solution:

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/16/2010  at  07:13 PM  

  6. Well the best plan is for him to think it will be safer in Iraq, job done.
    Leave the paedos alone, castrate them and let them go, if there is doubt about their guilt do somthing about the bleeding.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/16/2010  at  10:30 PM  

  7. No, kill him and any family/relatives he has in the country.  Get together with your friends(or enough like-minded citizens) and do them all at the same time so none of them can warn any of the others.  THAT is the ONLY thing those animals understand. 
    And if a few of these “judges” and their families meet the same fate?  Well omlettes and all that.

    Posted by emdfl    United States   12/17/2010  at  07:17 PM  

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