on the run from a taliban death threat.  try living like this for awhile.  stone age mfs.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/08/2009 at 11:01 AM   
  1. For a cult that say they follow the old testament and the birth of the prophet Christ they dont go big on the 10 commandments, they are depraved perverts, I look forward to them taking over my world, still we now are sure how low humans can go!
    That guy has more guts than the entire islamic cult.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/08/2009  at  07:35 PM  

  2. It is a shame that there is no World outrage for this persecution of Christianity - but then the World is almost deathly silent on these terrorists masquerading as a religion - who kill innocents, both their own people and others, daily.

    And thus the World moves ever closer to disaster of WWIII, Armageddon, Judgment Day, or just plain World collapse - what is it going to take - one of the so-called Civilized/Industrial Countries to become under Sharia Law? The EU under Sharia Law - the POTUS to come ‘out’ and admit that he has been/is a Muslim?

    Why not stop it now - Under the previous Administration we were doing an ok job of fighting it - until the msm, the Left and other World appeasers got their panties in a bunch and started chanting Bush Lied, People Died and it all went to hell.

    Obama Lied, The Economy, Jobs, GWOT, and People Died - and no one in the msm, Left or other World appeasers seem to give a damn at all. As I said - and then it all went to hell.

    God Help America - and Americans have no clue what it means to run and hide for your very life - but I don’t think it is far behind for us - unless Americans stand up and say NO, Stop it NOW.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/09/2009  at  07:37 AM  

  3. Wardmama4 sometime I would like to introduce you to my wife, she thinks I am a racist, anti-islamist, nutter. She is what we need to address, those who choose to keep their head in the sand and hope it goes away. This is not going away, you are correct WW3 will kick off if the people don’t get off their comfortable (for now) asses. One thing, how will the controlist new order get on with the controllist islam, as the old saying goes, if the mountaind will not come to muhammed etc etc

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/09/2009  at  06:44 PM  

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