oh this will keep the migrants out. wanna bet?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/18/2013 at 05:37 AM   
  1. the UK has decided on a suicide pact, and is doing the most it can to bleed itself to death.

    all the money earned from the Empire must be thrown back to the mud races around the world.

    every last bit of civilization given to them, by law, by example, by authority, must be thrown into the gutter in embarassment: how dare these pasty whites declare that their culture is better than that of the barbarian cannibal chicken rapers that they took over as a colony? the nerve!

    the EU is following suit, to a slightly lesser extent. 1400 years of Euro history, thrown away on purpose. Surrender your nations, give over your women, castrate yourselves and your laws to the degenerate filth of the planet that once groveled at your feet.

    Stupid fucks. Colonization of Africa and India was the best thing that ever happened there. Pax Britannia followed by Pax Americana in 19th century China was a godsend.

    Time to take the self-hating whites out of government in UK and EU and put them up against the wall. Period. Shoot them, throw out their suicidal policies, and then rid your nations of the world’s vermin any way that you can. Institute a “oops, we made a mistake” migration policy: anyone who claimed asylum or immigrated to UK (except those native born in USA or NW Europe) in the past 20 years gets the boot. Chuck them out or shoot them, whatever.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/18/2013  at  12:11 PM  

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