Oh Please


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/15/2012 at 09:47 AM   
  1. I had no idea that she was from NJ either - bet Christie wouldn’t even consider lowering the flag to half staff for one of the NJ REAL heroes - who died in Iraq or Afghanistan?

    Yeah, I agree.

    “Cultural fabric of the state” - so NJ is known for divorce, partying, serial short term relationships, alcoholism, and drug addiction?

    Better be careful what you wish for Gov Christie - you just MIGHT get it!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/15/2012  at  10:02 AM  

  2. It’s like too many awards.  Cheapens the meaning. Who cares except for her fans?
    That’s the world we live in today Drew.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/15/2012  at  10:34 AM  

  3. In the mind of a progressive libtard, drug addicts ARE heroes and role models.  loser

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   02/16/2012  at  07:02 AM  

  4. All American flags should be flown at half mast in mourning for our culture.

    Posted by sig94    United States   02/18/2012  at  09:00 AM  

  5. Here is my take on Whitney Houston (yeah, I know, no one asked) - having to peruse a zillion stories in the morning news section of my home page. The Whitney Houston saga is much like the American saga right now. The msm built her up (back in the day when it was so popular to put forth some ‘special interest group’ types) - Whitney Houston is the definition of an entertainer - she doesn’t write what she sings, she doesn’t play an instrument on the records she preforms, she is simply a vessel (a better one than most) of other creative and artistic minds. Not a lip-sincer attempting to make it big - but simply a preformer. After she hits it big and manages to wring money from a sappy movie with a really sappy cast - the msm starts to dig at her and as with so many who crave fame and fortune and to be seen - it starts to unravel. And of course then the National Enquirers and TMZs of the world start really, really going all negative on her ass - when being down & involved with drugs and drinking is just so very, ver helpful. And the situation gets worse when she tries to have a normal life in the fishbowl of paparazzi-dom - get married and have a kid. And still wanting to be seen and be famous. And as every step and fall back of her personal struggles gets smeared (and distorted) on the front page of rags or the internet - I’m sure it fed into that insecurity which fed into the need to kill it and as she grew older and realized that the ‘game’ loved the young best - even more insecurity to be dulled or killed off which made for more stories and so on and so on. In other words - the very thing Ms Houston sought is the major part of what killed her - her desire to be known and seen by the public.

    The fame game is much like the Dems in America since the turn of the century - the Dems scope a situation in the terms of a problem and/or injustice and then create legislation to fix the aforementioned problem and walla - it explodes esponetionally into a financial and social disaster. And they keep writing ‘reform’ legislation meant to fix what they broke in the first place and America just keeps getting worse and worse.

    The key to it all is to execute drug dealers upon conviction, to execute gang members (who are usually involved in the drug trade in some way) upon conviction and to adjudicate every person convicted of drug usage - to rehab with the parole dependent upon staying clean. All drugs seized - should be destroyed as soon as documented and all drug monies should be split 50-50 between the local gov it was seized in and to pay for rehab in the area.

    And the media - well it’s a lost cause right now in so many ways - but the 1st Amendment protects them - I just wish more of the public figures would sue the heck out of them for the pure lies. Oh bother - maybe America is doomed.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/19/2012  at  07:57 AM  

  6. execute drug dealers upon conviction

    Takes too long and too many smart ass civil rights lawyers. Why wait for convictions? Cops know darn well who the baddies are, give a special squad special duties to take em out and save cost of trial. Eliminate the gangs by mass sweeps and make em disappear. Use Gestapo Night and Fog tactics and bingo. Gangs gone and those who might be tempted look elsewhere.
    Of course, none of that will happen because “rights” of ppl with long criminal records and who go to jail and come out only to re-offend, are more important then public safety.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/20/2012  at  12:53 PM  

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