Oh No! Not Again!


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/24/2006 at 07:00 AM   
  1. I got a better nickname than Hildebeast for you...Eric Simonson over at watchblog quoted this one last week:

    So is Hillary stepping off into ‘Senator Palpatine’ mode? Should we be worried that her progressive credentials are in peril?

    Is she actually a Sith lord in disguise, plotting to take over the Republic and become Empress Darth Screech?

    Thank you Eric Simonson for making my day!!

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   01/24/2006  at  08:47 AM  

  2. Sith Lord?!?  I believe it.  God save us from the Hildebeast.  Even my business partner who loves Bill Clinton can’t stand her.

    Now who have we got once GW’s term of office is up?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/24/2006  at  11:15 AM  

  3. Chaps, I still suspect that this shopworn and superannuated strumpet is trying to impress Belafonte!

    Remember, a chance to bask in his reflected radiance kicked off all this recent headline-smashing degringolade of hers.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   01/24/2006  at  01:49 PM  

  4. Why is everyone so freaked about the Beast’s running for Pres?  Even IF she gets nominated, the only way for her to win is if the GOP runs another Bob Dole against her.  If Rove is still calling the shots by then, that won’t happen.  crazy

    Posted by rudebadger    United States   01/24/2006  at  03:37 PM  

  5. Hillary made a big mistake and bad mouthed the tax free HSA, not smart.

    She took the bait now she must argue against the HSA, that’s impossible.

    Hillary won’t even get the Democratic nomination now. confused

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/24/2006  at  03:37 PM  

  6. I need a prescription of something just to listen to Hillary babble.

    Posted by piccalo    United States   01/24/2006  at  07:01 PM  

  7. "Hildabeest .... “Empress Darth Screech” !!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO

    OCM is correct ..... the system is flawed and sometimes I think that it is worse than that! I’ve seen elderly patients that didn’t want to go to the hospital when something was wrong because either they were afraid that Medicare wouldn’t cover the problem or that their supplemental insurance wouldn’t cover the problem (if they even had a supplement). Now, it’s expanded to the prescriptions. Is this just another way for the insurance companies to make money? You do have to remember that an insurance companies first priority is to pay dividends to stockholders NOT to pay out claims to customers! With this new program, it seems that there is nothing but problems. A pharmacist friend (working at a Wal-Mart, no less) says that their time to process stuff has tripled (at the least) and sometimes that they have to do something to get the patient the meds that they need. Some of these people have been their customers for years.

    How do we fix this? I’ll be durned if I know, but compounding the problem is the fact that we need to do something now and that’s what makes it worse!

    I don’t think socialized medicine is the answer just like I don’t think “no kid left behind” is the answer to education. Socialized medicine will do nothing but lower the care that everyone would recieve and then only the rich would be able to afford some of the treatments that are available. Rationing health care doesn’t seem right or feel right, but at the some time, will we (or can we) justify that? I don’t like to think so because then who decides? I definitely don’t think the wannabe Ms. Clinton has a clue, much less a plan.

    Sorry about the long rant........ couldn’t figure out a shorter way to do it.

    Posted by bowshot4    United States   01/24/2006  at  11:00 PM  

  8. bowshot4, before President Bush it was illegal in the US for a citizen over the age of 65 to purchase insurance that would “cover” their $20,000 a year Rx expense.  Medigap (A-J) plans were designed by the “GOVERNMENT” and none of them paid over $4,000 annually.  President Bush promised Rx coverage in Medicare and he delivered.  Neil Cavuto and Montel Williams both have MS and their medication is $20,000 a year. 

    Now seniors can purchase, average US cost is $32 a month, Rx coverage and by Federal law they can’t owe over $3,600 a year, donut-hole and all.  Poor seniors get the coverage at no cost.  Don’t believe the liberal lies that sick seniors don’t thank President Bush.

    Not letting seniors purchase Rx health insurance reminds me of Cuba, right here in the land of the free.  The tax free HSA was born in the Medicare Rx bill.  Of course you don’t know what that means but it is basically the “Ultimate Panacea” which will wipe out Socialism and America can enter the 21st Century Economy with the Ownership Society.  President Bush is targeting wealth to the poor. 

    After 1/31/06 you will have a better understanding.

    I would call the 21st Century Economy the 3rd Millenium Economy but I’m German and I hate to talk about 1,000 years, if you know what I mean snake

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/25/2006  at  05:08 AM  

  9. 3 things which the two-faced Hildabeast would never want to even approach as help if not cures to our healthcare problems:

    1) illegals DON’T get any healthcare other than bandages before being sent home.

    2) insurance scammers (oops, companies)stops making medical decisions

    3) lawyers are thrown out of the ‘legal lotto’ system they created and stop ‘legal eagles’ like Edwards from ‘channeling CP victims’ and stashing the millions stolen from all of us tax-paying, worker drones in a trust fund so he doesn’t pay taxes on it (while voting to raise every working persons tax)

    I know that this is simplistic - but hey, until American consumers get on the ball and insist that the AMA stops ignoring the truely negligent and criminal ‘doctors’ out there, insure that the institutions are actually caring for their patients (don’t get me started on the biggest scam out there, rehab ‘hospitals’) and encourage that medical schools and all those involve with health care are actually taught, trained and certified with more education than vet techs - our system might just get better.

    Perhaps starting with removing the cavet that convicted criminals are the ONLY people in America constitutionally guarenteed medical care - would actually start the process of people taking American healthcare seriously. Of course it would help if today’s drs. cared more about their patients than pushing the latest drug pawned off on them by the pharmaceutical companies.

    Ok, I will have to go read on those systems/plans listed - as the problem is just to convoluted to solve quickly, cleanly or cheaply.

    I surrender

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/25/2006  at  09:29 AM  

  10. OCM, name one Medigap plan, A-J, that would pay over $4,000 annually for Rx?

    Because you have one of President Bush’s new Rx plans you can’t owe more than $3,600 per year.  See, that is not confusing is it?  Now you can get a head full of brain tumors and will not have to spend $25,000 on Rx this year.  Why, because that would be illegal.

    All these bozos are screaming CONFUSION and you old seniors need ME to figure it out.  Don’t listen to that liberal media cosmic debri. cool smile

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/25/2006  at  12:23 PM  

  11. Sorry, but could anyone tell me where in either the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that it says that Americans have a right to either free or reduced cost medical care?  Many so called rights exist only in the minds of delustional politicians and their syncophant followers.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   01/25/2006  at  01:27 PM  

  12. It is those politicians (who believe that everyone is entittled?!?yeah, right)who claim to believe that the Constitution is a ‘living’ document [and we know how they feel about anything living that might control their lives] and want to drag America into the utopia of socialism, communism and euro-trash world so we can all be one multicultural, happy (oops, gay), loving, peaceful (except for those noble ‘freedom fighters’) non-functioning, non-poluting, uber-taxed (how much did you make last year, send it all to the IRS) workers for the ‘select’ intelligent, entittled, priviledged few (who select themselves) who get all the riches, priviledges, healthcare, and CONTROL.

    The unions came on board to protect the few people, positions and situations that were dangerous and wrong and then they became corrupted and raped the pensions and healthcare funds of the union workers (needed that money for perks) and so the company went belly up trying to support past and current workers and their benefits and so no one has any healthcare because the lawyers sued out most of the good providers, the insurance companies are busy siphoning off as much money as they can while protecting no one and those who have no jobs or no citizenship are sucking the systems to death (can’t absorb continually the non-payers without someone paying the price) while those who could write the laws to protect and fix the healthcare system are being bought, sold and seduced by those lobbyists with the most money and that certainly isn’t the real worker who is being taxed and charged to death. When the economy fails from within - I guess we will start all over again. Perhaps if these idiots would go back to their history books - we could stop it before it happens.
    You know what they say - nothing is guarenteed but death and taxes.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/25/2006  at  02:36 PM  

  13. "Hillary Clinton has the political instincts of a stone.” - Richard Reeves.

    Posted by Orion    United States   01/25/2006  at  08:40 PM  

  14. OCM, calm down.  I said name one Medigap plan, (before the Medicare Rx bill) that would pay over $4,000 annually.  You can’t because they didn’t.  You said in post #13 that plans F-J were/are just fine.  Yet, they didn’t pay over $4,000 per year exactly like I said.

    Then you say owing a maximum $3,600 plus a 5% co-insurance is too hard for seniors to understand.  I say if you are paying $20,000 per year on Rx it is easy to understand.

    So, the none licensed old fart from Colorado knows more than me, ha ha.  It’s funny you turn around and admit I was right, then you say, don’t listen to Woof.

    You’re a hoot OldSmellyCatMan.  crazy

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/25/2006  at  10:09 PM  

  15. Z Woof, I was speaking from direct knowledge of what went on in the field. My parents are gone now and up to the day they died, they had insurance not Medicare or Medicaid. They were also taken care of at HOME and not at some “care facility.”

    What I was referring to was the fact that recipients and pharmacists both are having a TERRIBLE time of trying to get this thing off the ground and running. I realize that there are always problems with start-up on things like this, but this one seems to be getting under everyone’s skin. Patients cannot get their medications without going through the system and the DAMN system seems to be taking its’ own sweet time about doing anything. As a result, pharmacists are going way out of their way to see that these people are getting what they need to have to survive.

    Is the system open to graft and theivery? You betcha! Is it better than what we had? Once we get it up and working..... probably.

    As far as being illegal, medicare supplemental insurance policies have been around an awful long time. with all the companies involved with this , can you be sure that someone other than the folks that need the drugs are going to be the ones who make the money. Again, you betcha!

    I think that if you look closely, you won’t find anywhere that I spoke against the general idea of this. I didn’t and don’t think that this wasn’t somethng that wasn’t needed. I wish that my folks would have been able to have this. What I said was is that the system is broken and someone needs to fix it.

    Oh, by the way, if you believe that the HSAs are going to fix everything ...... I’ve got some land down here by the Sabine River you might be interested in.

    Posted by bowshot4    United States   01/26/2006  at  03:18 AM  

  16. bowshot4, you are a fruitcake.

    Please tell us why the “CENTERPIECE” of President Bush’s 2006 Domestic Agenda, the tax free HSA, is not the Ultimate Panacea (UP).  Remember, I did the secret government test called, “The Original Pilot Test” on Medical Savings Accounts (MSA) and my insurance agency does customer service on the oldest HSAs in the USA.  We enrolled the first one of the people who went tax free in 1996.

    In addition:  I am the only member here at Barking-Moonbat that has won the important “FINGER” award from the Skipper.  So pound gravel up your ass you Stinkin’ Socialist Democrat (SSD).  You bowshot4, remind me of Hillary, Kerry and screamin’ Howard Dean.  No ideas but a lot of babble.  We don’t put up with that crap from newbies like you. 

    I vote that after the President’s State of the Union ShockWave we blow up bowshot4’s picture and give him the SECOND [[FINGER]] award.  Then anybody that says something negative about the tax free HSA automatically gets a FINGER AWARD in the future.  The Skipper can just make a list of them and give a “Collective Finger” to all of them on Fridays.

    But other than that bowshot4, you seem like a real nice guy.  Welcome aboard.  In the old days rookies with big mouths like you were made to walk the plank.  Today, we are all about a runny, drippy, gooey, kind of compassion.  Skipper’s orders.

    What state is this so-called Sabine River land in question

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/26/2006  at  06:51 AM  

  17. OldSmellyCatMan, our insurance company wrote the first health insurance in the USA in 1913.  Way before Blue Cross was born, sorry.  Because you my friend are not licensed you are not bound by ethics like a licensed insurance agent.  OCM, if you are so smart answer this question:

    “When a nurse at your hospital would get cancer and lost her hair and could no longer work 30 hours per week, did your hospital put these poor young women to COBRA for insurance termination?  Young women with cancer who have lost their hair having their health insurance terminated causes depression, you fruitcake.  Depression and cancer is a deadly mix.  Why do you support employer-based health insurance just so Blue Cross can terminate sick young women with ovarian cancer, health insurance?

    In short OCM, you are a horses ass who voted for Kerry, you Socialist.  I don’t blame you for leaving the pathetic Democratic party but your mind is still stuck on stoopid.

    As far as your dislike for salespeople, move to Cuba, no salespeople there.

    So our two local Socialists are bowshot4 and OldSmellyCatMan.  I’m glad you now have at least one liberal on your side.  Your movement is growing OCM.

    Either one of you two bozos can come up with one arguement against the tax free HSA, the centerpiece of Republican health care reform, please post it and I’ll wipe up the floor with you.  The HSA is the Ultimate Panacea and “One Size Fits All” and will soon be an Overnight Sensation

    You two have no ideas, like all Democrats.  You just blab about how President Bush is so terrible.  Please tell us how your stoopid solution is Socialized Medicine, you asswipes.

    You two are brainwashed into insanity. Now you are stuck on stoopid, sorry.  peace

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/26/2006  at  10:34 AM  

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