Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 06/16/2009 at 12:23 PM   
  1. Meanwhile the locals in Northern Ireland don’t take too kindly to having Romanian gypsies foisted on them. Typical BBC they don’t really tell you very much, but reading between the lines I would guess that Romanian gypsies have taken up residence. Most likely they are also in receipt of welfare and housing benefit. Given Northern Irelands tragic history of religious intolerance is anyone surprised that the locals have taken offence?

    As for the post. Well it doesn’t surprise me at all. Where I used to live in Kent the BBC has devoted reams of data about those fun loving Roma folk

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/16/2009  at  09:51 PM  

  2. So I guess that coffee table book on The Wonderful Gypsies of Europe wouldn’t be the best choice for a birthday present? LOL

    I don’t have the answer here, but it sure seems like everything the UK has done has only made the problem worse.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/17/2009  at  06:46 AM  

  3. Britain (once Great) and the USA have a common problem.  We’re perceived as “racist” for not “understanding” the traditions and languages of those who come to our countries and promptly rape and ransack the place for their own benefit.  In the meantime, to show just how “civilized” we are we force everyone from schoolkids to the eldest capable of watching TV or otherwise learning just how terrible we are for not being like whoever the “misunderstood flavor” of the day/month/year is.

    The whole problem of “racism” boils down to this.  In their efforts to placate those who see all who are not “politically correct” as sub-human monsters who are not capable of understanding, commiserating and helping their “betters” the PC crowd has by default condemned all of us to having to live under the standards of the lowest common denominator.

    In the meantime, in order to drive home how “barbaric” and “racist” and falsely “superior” those who stand up for the traditional values of their homelands are we have rammed down our throats such things as “black history month”, “support your local gypsy/traveler”, and now, gods forfend, a Supreme Court nominee who went on the record as saying that Latina women (sorry, Latina IS the feminine id of a Latino) are more qualified to judge correctly than a white male.

    Then you add into this sorry mix that we must all play nice with muzzies.  Now, granted, I haven’t seen huge hordes of them daily protesting or trying to commit violent jihad against we kufr and mushrikeen.  I do see them protesting the cultures they’ve chosen to live with while destroying the very symbols of those cultures and countries.  It doesn’t matter that they’re immigrating to our countries to “take advantage of what we have to offer” or if they’re born here and either convert or are muzzies by birthright.  Look how many are attacking those who live around them or attempt (and sometimes succeed) in killing our military personnel because of “what they did to our muzzie brothers and sisters”.

    To all the sorry ingredients above our governmental “masters” who are in truth supposed to be our “representatives”, for the sake of votes, cheerfully sell out out to the highest bidder and frak the consequences, full dishonor ahead.

    As far as I can see, it’s literally going to take the intervention of gods to save our civilization.  Otherwise, we’re going to end up living under the conditions of 7th century mohammedanism and all the “joys” that entails while gypsies/travelers and others who are usurping our culture, traditions and possessions and sending the remittances back to whatever 4th world $hithole they came from.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   06/18/2009  at  02:59 AM  

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