Obama Will Close Gitmo


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/11/2008 at 01:52 PM   
  1. If I were Bush, this would be the cue to conduct a mass-execution of these swine.

    Without any protections under Geneva due to Perfedy in Warfare, the capturing power has every right to kill the lot of them at any time it wishes for virtually any reason it wishes.

    Would it bring hollers of the SS? Yes. Would people claim it is to prevents these poor, oppressed souls from telling their stories? Yes. Would it matter what “people” claim? No.

    Now, there probably are a few innocent souls in there (law of probability in large groups), but they are a very, very slim minority. If they are in there, we can and should try to make sure each and every one of the bastards is really as guilty as sin, and then lead the rest out into a field with an open hole.

    And the volunteers will take care of the rest.

    Is it nice ? Absolutely not, and I would probably get the willies if I was asked to do it. But the fact remains that, in a war, you must prevent the enemy from gaining NAY reinforcements, including ex-prisoners.

    Let Allah sort them out.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   11/11/2008  at  02:29 PM  

  2. Nah, just stage it. Let them be martyrs, and we’ll be well rid of them.

    “Even after the most careful scrutiny, it turned out that almost all these terrorists had secret false teeth containing cyanide gas . They had all refused dental care, and had also refused X-rays as being against their religion (Islam forbids graven images). When Marine guards allowed them, as a goodwill gesture, to finally meet as a group for a large prayer service they gassed each other and all quickly died. Medical staff at the prison was overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of victims, and was unable even to try to save more than 2 at a time. Both of those 2 also died. In compliance with their religion, all the deceased have not been autopsied, and have been buried in unmarked graves.”

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/11/2008  at  04:08 PM  

  3. I see the Evil Drew woke up today ready to strike.Veeery Cleaver young Skywalker.
    On a realistic note, I seem to remember that many of those detainies were hopefull they would not return to their homeland as they feared retribution from their own governments. Fitting isnt it.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/11/2008  at  04:28 PM  

  4. Yeah, like anyone released from police custody. “Why were you let go? What did you tell them? Nothing? How do we know thats the truth?” BANG! “Just in case.”

    Posted by KnightHawk67    United States   11/12/2008  at  03:26 PM  

  5. Ok since this is 280ish of the origninal 600ish - can we not truly believe that those left are indeed the hardcore of the hardcore? Like there is any damn goat herder (I thought poppies were the crop of choice in Afghanistan) and oh btw, liberal bleeding heart idiot - if they had a herd of goats in the killing zone - I don’t think that they’d actually be alive to be in Club Gitmo.

    I (naturally being a kind hearted mommie sort) was leaning more toward an unannounced ‘spiriting’ away of the intrepid 280 to points unknown - you know all those black ops camps hidden in some dark dank place that no one of class goes - where they will be mysteriously killed in some super secret raid by unknown evildoers. My husband opted for a single bullet to the back of the head.

    I however, now like Drew’s suggestion - heck even rig one ‘volunteer’ up with a mis-wired suicide vest - bet they’d fight for the chance to go to Allah while taking their evil infidel guards with them. Funny that the only one left to worry about is the damn ACLU lawyer who snuck in the vest. . . Like anyone in the USA would believe that an American guard would willingly give them a vest. Let them do the work for us. Keep our hands clean - you know sort of like the Dems pretend to do on a daily basis.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/12/2008  at  04:01 PM  

  6. Unfortunately they should have been dealt with at the time. By dealt with I think they should have been dropped off from high altitude in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Having them banged up in Gitmo has no doubt provided a lot of useful intel, but what happens now? Where do you send them back too? Most of the countries they came from don’t want them. Will BHO give them asylum in the US?

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/12/2008  at  06:58 PM  

  7. Turtler, I’m with you.  I have never heard of armed civilians in a war zone given anything except summary execution.  Just add one small item.  Squeeze them for information before you execute them.  If anyone has a problem with executions, they can always be shot “while trying to escape.” Makes it easy to explain the bullet in the back too.

    Two questions; Why did we ever admit we had them in custody?  Why were these guys removed from Afghanistan?  A good prison is a good prison, plus, they’d be an attraction for Taliban members.  More attacks on the prison = more dead Taliban.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/12/2008  at  09:52 PM  

  8. Jesus wept.
    Under the new regime what’s liable to happen is that the goat molesters will be afforded civilian trials with civilian standards of evidence and thye’ll all walk. Worse we won’t be able to send them back where they came from. So coming soon to a neighbourhood near you Accchhhhhmed the Mad Jihadi. And-uh, if the one should manage to get Jamie Gorelick confirmed as Attorney General we’ll all be screwed sooner rather than later.

    Posted by ibm    United States   11/13/2008  at  01:42 AM  

  9. Right and you can be sure we’ve been hearing about Gitmo here in not too glowing terms either.  A paper not known for being liberal has said “It’s a Stain on America.” JERKS!

    I will shortly post it if I can locate it. If not I’ll copy it out.  There’s even something along the same lines in a local rag.

    So, after being off all day yesterday and running into the city today for a simple blood test and coming back with a toothache and ill humor wet and grumpy I spent most of the afternoon reading three newspapers.

    I don’t know why I do that.  I must be a masochist because the damn things piss me off every time and I continue reading them.  And these ARE NOT all liberal papers btw.

    The way they report things here, Guantanamo is as close to a death and torture camp as America can get.  And they do very much lean toward that ‘T’ word. A LOT!


    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/13/2008  at  01:16 PM  

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