Obama, Super Patriot


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/11/2008 at 09:53 AM   
  1. but should the lapel pin have 60 Stars? the Video I saw had him saying he had visited 57 states already and sadly wouldn’t be able to visit Alaska and Hawaii, but was planning to visit 1 more state.. Obviously, He was tired and Misspoke but he should have gotten the 40 instead of 50 right. Think of all the media coverage if HRC or JM had made that mistake.

    Posted by Infinity    United States   05/11/2008  at  07:41 PM  

  2. It’s official.  Obaby’s mind has gone bye-bye.  There’s no fracking way a competent person who had a good education and is from the United States would fail to recognize we only have 50 states.  I’m left wondering if one of the “states” he’s including is Indonesia and another is Saudi Arabia.  After all, as a former madrassa attendee he’s got to have his mind filled with the tales of the “valor” of brave musselmen.  *spit* crazy

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   05/12/2008  at  06:54 AM  

  3. Infinity - you make the right point - if anyone other than O bomb ah had said it - it would have been plastered over all media for ages (until we were sick and tired of it). I was told (on another site) it wasn’t a big deal - sorry he wants to be President - to me it is. So either he is stupid, incapable of even lasting an entire campaign season (so how will he last for 4 years as POTUS?!?) or he is already including the territories as states (talk about making America ‘imperialistic’ which I thought they all scream about under President Bush). . .

    Any way - it was a mistake that like all the other stupid (macaca, anyone) mistakes - why can’t this one cost Barry the election - it isn’t any bigger or smaller than any other one. Certainly we should at least be able to expect our POTUS to know how many states there are in the country he/she wants to govern?

    But yeah, it’s B. Hussein Obama - it is just a distraction from his real message of Hope and Change. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/12/2008  at  01:01 PM  

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