obama: half and half


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/31/2015 at 03:06 PM   
  1. "Alaska already has warmed 1.7 degrees Celsius in the last 60 years, according to the U.S. National Climate Assessment”.
    BS Statement courtesy of a bunch of idiots working to kill America one degree at a time.
    finger  shit  dickhead crazy

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/01/2015  at  08:02 PM  

  2. Thought you all might like this quote of the day on our pal Karl:

    “There are no rational means of predicting the ‘future of humanity’ over a long period or foretelling the nature of ‘social formations’ in ages to come. The idea that we can make such forecasts ‘scientifically,’ and that without doing so we cannot understand the past, is inherent in the Marxist theory of ‘social formations;’ it is one reason why the theory is a fantasy, and also why it is politically effective. The influence that Marxism has achieved, for from being the result or proof of its scientific character, is almost entirely due to its prophetic, fantastic, and irrational elements. Marxism is a doctrine of blind confidence that a paradise of universal satisfaction is awaiting us just around the corner. Almost all the prophecies of Marx and his followers have already proved to be false, but this does not disturb the spiritual certainty of the faithful, any more than it did in the case of chiliastic sects: for it is certainty not based on any empirical premises or supposed ‘historical laws,’ but simply on the psychological need for certainty. In this sense Marxism performs the function of a religion, and its efficacy is of a religious character. But it is a caricature and a bogus form of religion, since it presents its temporal eschatology as a scientific system, which religious mythologies do not purport to be. . .
    At present Marxism neither interprets the world nor changes it: it is merely a repertoire of slogans serving to organize various interests, most of them completely remote from those which Marxism originally identified itself.”

    -- Leszek Kolakowski

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/01/2015  at  11:06 PM  

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