Obama - Foreign Relations Genius!


Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   on 05/19/2015 at 11:35 PM   
  1. Survival and self-preservation are the most basic of human traits.  You can’t blame the saudis for this.  So now, obamanation is responsible for the biggest nuclear arms race since the beginning of the cold war.  And he may in fact be responsible for the first nuclear attack on a country since WWII. 

    Does this mean he has to give back his nobel peace OS prize?

    Posted by sdkar    Unknown   05/20/2015  at  07:48 AM  

  2. I really thought that these ‘progressives’ were anti-nuclear anything, anywhere, anytime. So how come all the Leftists in the US are not up in arms over this? They won’t let the US build nuclear facilities but it’s ok for Iran (wink, wink, wink)?

    The hypocritical and insane aspect of declaring the GOP as a ‘war on women’ because of their negative stance on unlimited and unaccountable abortion on demand (and, oh yes, paid for be taxpayers) while islam tortures, beats, throws acid on, burns alive, stones and sells into sex traffiking women and female children - and the silence is deafening.

    And I could go on and on - the Patriot Act blew up ‘spying on the books you’ll check out of the library’ under Bush - but silence when what all on the right feared, happened - NSA surveillance is going way beyond legal in any sense of the word. And yet, almost silence from those on the Left.

    I’m sick of it because in the end - it’s going to get us all killed.

    I just wish that there were people willing to speak truth to power. And with all the lies, distortions and corruption in the media - it’s almost impossible to tell who the truth tellers and good guys/gals are any more.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/20/2015  at  10:13 AM  

  3. Turtler and I were discussing this awhile back,ergo the Saudies will do WHATEVER it takes to maintain the sovereignity of the Kingdom from all foreign aggression, no matter who says Shit about it.They have the money, they have the Political connections, and most of all, they have the keys to the Faith of 1.4 billion Moslem’s to back them.
    The mullahs have a small part of Islam in their sphere but like the Pope is to Catholics, the House of Saud is to virtually all Sunni’s.It’s a battle Iran Can’t win.

    skull  peace  bomb

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/20/2015  at  05:47 PM  

  4. The Saudis have a critical problem with ISIS.  While ISIS is their child, the child is running wild.  A while back, ISIS informed the Saudis that the Saudis weren’t sufficiently pious.  Under Islamic law, that’s all the warning the Saudis get.  “Clean up your act to ISIS standards or we will kill you.”

    The Saudi problem is that if ISIS attacks, even if the Saudis win, they’ll be weakened and the door will be open to Iran who has been working on strategic alliances all across the Islamic world.  Remember, Iran thinks they have the pure strain of Islam because they follow the son of the Prophet.  That could give them a pretty good argument for Iranian control of Mecca.

    Not to mention that they’ve just made Obama look like a fool again.  That gives them huge status in the Islamic world.

    The Mid East is heading to a huge military conflict and Obama has greased the wheels.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/20/2015  at  06:33 PM  

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