O-Care Vote Becoming Political Anchor


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/25/2014 at 09:27 AM   
  1. How dare she speak out - like the Pelletier’s whose daughter is being taken by the state because the ‘hospital’ (um, how can a building/institution make a medical decision- Boston Childrens) disagreed with the diagnosis (Tufts Med Center)- that the parents had and had been treating for.

    This is what Obama et al are doing to probably one of the greatest healthcare system in America - tearing it apart, at the cost of human lives - to assure that ‘only’ the chosen ones get the best care. And I can bet you - there is a ‘bottom line’ in regards to these decisions - that don’t have a damn thing to do with $$$$$.

    Of course in some cases - like brain injury - the back and forth has been going on for decades.

    Now, it’s just moving into other areas.

    Sad - considering how many PEOPLE are employed in SO MANY AREAS - when extensive healthcare is provided to people (bandages, medicine production, bed pads, tvs, beds etc) - that really AREN’T even ‘healthcare providers’.

    But then if Obama gave a damn about JOBS and American CITIZENS - most of what he’s done, most especially Obamacare - wouldn’t have happened.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/26/2014  at  09:42 AM  

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