Now that’s moxie, baby


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/16/2008 at 07:00 PM   
  1. Your creative writing skills sure to shine when your suffering from a cold Drew. Nice work on this thread. Oh, get better soon but keep up the attitude.
    As to your point here,I would rather hear a 30 minute spot from Joe the Plumber after O’benothing speaks.Now that would be a real contrast to experience.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/17/2008  at  12:17 AM  

  2. I hope Obama’s 30-minute ad gets shitty ratings. Don’t tell me Nielsen won’t be measuring TV use during that time.

    Posted by Macker    United States   10/17/2008  at  07:39 AM  

  3. No, it’s not the fault of the network, it’s the fault of *people who watch TV*. The only reason anyone even considers spending a million bucks to make a half hour infomercial for ANYTHING is because results tend to justify such an expenditure.
    I haven’t owned a TV in over 7 years, myself. I spend perhaps 20 hours a *year* watching TV, and that’s nearly all movies someone has rented. What little remains of my TV time is pretty consistently from Discovery or History Channel.
    Why? Because I have long since tired of 4 minutes at the 15 minute mark and 7 or 8 every half hour of PROPAGANDA. More to the point, propaganda that most often assumes I am a drooling idiot. “And if you order within the next 10 minutes, you’ll also receive ________, a $20 value, absolutely free.” No one who turns their brain on for even a few seconds can fail to realize that no, there’s no one anywhere with a list of running times for that commercial and a stopwatch. Nor can any thinking person fail to realize that no way in hell is the junk they are tacking onto the deal in hopes of shifting it worth $20, or anywhere close. And yet, someone has spent many years getting paid a lot of money to include those words on voiceovers for advertising, presumably because they work.
    No, we have told Madison Avenue that no lie is too transparent, too unbelievable, to sell product. And they have taken us at our word.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/17/2008  at  09:35 AM  

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