Now let us pray, but just leave god out of it.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/01/2012 at 10:09 AM   
  1. By now it is a given that a majority of those who do or want something can be squelched by a minority. If you are a minority and want “social justice” everyone else must give up something to accommodate you. If you don’t like something, regardless of how harmless it is to you, just scream “It offends me!” If you dislike the habits of other people, just whine how it disgusts you.
    All you have to do is scream loud and mention “justice” and “fairness” loud enough and you will have people who don’t even know exactly why you are fighting swarm to your cause.
    The ignorant drawn by the controversy like moths to flame.
    The thoughts of “Justice” and “Fairness” giving them ammunition for their fight and strength to their “convictions”

    We aren’t going to Hell in a handbasket, we are going on a rocket sled on greased rails.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   05/01/2012  at  11:39 AM  

  2. Yup Doc,

    You are correct. I often wondered how a small percentage of people could dictate their ideology on the majority. Then I realized there was a catalyst, or third element in the formula, which had no direct connection with the majority but fanned the flames and over whelmed the will of the majority. That 3rd element is the naive, idealistic Liberal/Socialists. They act as the amplifier for all the inane groups who wish to destroy the traditional values and replace them with meaningless, sterile agendas.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   05/02/2012  at  12:23 AM  

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