Nothing New Here


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/14/2005 at 05:00 AM   
  1. It is indeed a shame that these same acts in Israel are almost ignored by the rest of the world and never counted when the toll of terrorist victims is counted.

    I’m not sure why this is. I hesitate to jump on the anti-Semitism bandwagon, but it’s a likely possibility, intended or not. There is also the fact that it’s the present Arab occupants of the Israeli territories, acquired in defensive wars, that are perpretrating these acts solely against Israelis and is therefore considered some form of resistance or insurgency. I dunno.

    Looks like the same shit to me. Looks like the same perpetrators too. They sure sound the same. allah fuckin’ akbar.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   07/14/2005  at  06:38 PM  

  2. Absolutely correct, Rev. There were about six million non-Jews killed in the same death camps. As you said it was anybody who disagreed with or resisted the regime as well as homosexuals, Gypsies, political enemies, etc.

    I have not forgotten about this either but the last time I saw it mentioned in print was maybe 40 years ago. “Never forget” seems to have lost the memory of about 6 million fellow victims. I once posted the 12 milion figure on a forum and was upbraided by a German. I had to explain to this young fellow about all the others who seem to have been forgotten.

    I pointed out somewhere that the late Pope could have ended up there when Poland was invaded and occupied by the Nazis. Had he not held a job in a quarry he would have been “deported” to a “work camp” or whatever the obfuscatory phrase was. I’m not Catholic, but I think the world would have been a much poorer place without Carol Wojtyla.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   07/15/2005  at  01:16 AM  

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