Not so sure this is a great idea.  Except for MSFT (mis-fit) if it works.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/24/2009 at 11:00 AM   
  1. Sorry to hear of your ailments, we’ve had awful flu here,too, get well soon. As for Murdoc and all the media, yes I am sure, they are crooked, I remember the Sun getting behind Blair, until it was not to his advantage to be tied to a sinking ship so now he is not..Gates has been quiet in all the obama, obama care and carbon credit scams but as a billionare, he probably is cut from the same cloth as Soros, it can only be bad for freedom if google is kneecapped, unless it just carries honest reporting from sources that have not been assimilated by the dark side.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   11/24/2009  at  06:04 PM  

  2. Can’t say I trust Google particularly but Murdoch is a shitbag. I see his latest idea is to introduce charging for the content of the online edition of The Times. Good luck with that Rupert. As Chris says he gave his support to Tony Liar when it suited his purpose and as far as I am concerned that is beyond the pale.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/24/2009  at  07:30 PM  

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