not funny ……


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/06/2010 at 01:49 PM   
  1. I don’t consider any violent action against a religion to be racist at all.

    Anti-religious, sure. But not racist. Islam is not a race. It’s a mental disorder.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/06/2010  at  03:38 PM  

  2. Hat tip to a commenter at Ann Coulter (Townhall) this AM: “Long live the RACIST (Resistance Against Communists, Islamists and Socialist Tyranny). It is time to take the word over. It has become so meaningless word anyway. We should give it a meaning.” wbhickok

    I think it is perfect to work to put an end to the stupidity of cowing to a people who fly planes into buildings and then blame us for fighting backFaisal Shahzad at his sentencing for the Times Square bombing attempt.

    I am tired of being blamed for all of their problems - hell for everyone elses problems - I don’t have the power, I don’t have the ability - When I think of the billions America dumps overseas into these cesspools of sub-humanity - Why think of all the tax breaks Americans could get and the stupid Demorats could still have some of their failing money sucking programs even with a balanced budget.

    And I bet the nanosecond America withdrew it’s financial supportfor all these 3rd World cesspools of sub-humanity - once again the screed would be - “It’s all your fault.”

    But at least the money would be kept here at home where it belongs.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/07/2010  at  06:56 AM  

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