Not For Me


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/30/2009 at 09:42 AM   
  1. Hey, a minor miracle happened! My commenter’s country flag is back to being the USA. Woo hoo!

    PS - I threw out the shirt I was wearing, and I’ve now washed the pants twice. And I think I’ll take another shower. Because the stank itself is sticky. I can still smell it on me, 12 hours later. Eww. Ick.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/30/2009  at  10:50 AM  

  2. Drew that is just plain nasty. You have my sympathy. As for sweating joints with solder using end feed fittings, well if you must. However my preference is the Yorkshire fitting. Pre-soldered, works a lot better.

    but copper pipe, aside from being expensive is just so 20th century. What you need are push fit plastic!

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   05/30/2009  at  01:59 PM  

  3. I moved into a house with copper pipes.. The people who lived here before us ‘forgot’ to pay the gas bill.. for a whole winter.. they used electric upstairs (where there is no water) and all the pipes (and the water heater) froze and burst most of the pipes, the pressure regulator, the meter, the shutoff valves, and anything that looked like it held water. Thus, I had to replace every pipe in the house, as well as the commode.
    I faced my new task, torch in hand, flux and solder ready, and limited time.

    I wimped(?) out. 3 hours, several elbows, some copper to PVC fittings, and 40 feet of 1/2 inch PVC later (and a new water heater), and I was ready to rock. No muss, no fuss, no resoldering joints. Happy Bill. The only soldering I ended up doing was reconnecting the 30+ year old sink to a fitting that would accept an adapter.

    A hell of a lot easier than copper work, but feels flimsy to me.

    Oh, and I used a couple of snap fittings for copper to PVC close to the meter/regulator. works like a charm, but OMFG expensive!

    Just my thoughts.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   05/30/2009  at  04:54 PM  

  4. hehe. NOW you know why Larry,Darrel and Darrel looked like they did when they came a callin to the Newharts hotel.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/31/2009  at  07:17 AM  

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