Not Even Half There


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/30/2014 at 12:46 PM   
  1. Be he talks like a white guy and has a nice crease in his trousers so there is that.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/30/2014  at  04:48 PM  

  2. Grimes and McConnell are trading ‘not attending’ ads too. Not to mention that Reid has like 320 bills passed by the House sitting around (or is that sitting in the round file) not being brought to the Senate Floor for a vote. And have you seen some of those votes - hardly anyone there.

    So my mind works this way - politicians do no real work for the money that they are stealing from those who do actual work for a living (or would if they had a job).

    and meteorologists can be wrong and still keep their jobs.

    Slavery and Prohibition were both once ‘laws of the land’ and found to be Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

    Isn’t it about time - We The People - by and for whom this Government (of the people, by the people and for the people) was created - stand up and

    REPEAL the 16th Amendment
    REPEAL the 17th Amendment
    Instill Term Limits of TWO TERMS for all elected officials (without lifelong retirement, lifetime healthcare, and perks)
    Deport all Criminal Illegal Invaders - and for those who come here demand a 5 year ‘assimilation’ period or a ticket home on the first day of the 6th year.
    Treason trials for all in public office who can not pass a basic civics test - or give their oath of office on demand.

    This is just a start - Imagine what the media would get these days - if they had the guts to ask - if you were President - what would you do.

    And they thought Bushhitlerburtonco got hate and loathing - he and the liberals who hated him were pikers compared to what this embarrassing excuse for a (p)Resident has engendered since 2008.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/01/2014  at  02:37 PM  

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