No Way. Really?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/14/2008 at 03:17 PM   
  1. Just a thought here Drew, do you think that in some equally perverse way, that the reaction to a Obama gun control nation will spark much violence with firearms aimed at the very ones perpetrating the wave?  I mean just look at that(from a couple of posts ago) map, and you tell me what the possibilities are!

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   11/14/2008  at  10:32 PM  

  2. Oh crap.

    At least 4 years of being treated like a pariah, because I enjoy target shooting, reloading and gun collecting. 

    I have actually never really understood the anti gun crowd.  I consider them to be an emotionally immature, easily frightened bunch of children who think daddy should make the bad thing go away.

    It’s nice to know that Obama and company are carefully vetting job applicants, but to have a particular emphasis on a fully legal activity?  What if they applied the same standards to homosexuals?  People who square dance (Gotta watch out for those red neck sympathizers!)?  People who home school?  People who think PETA is wrong?  They’re even looking at family members!?!?  It seems they are trying to weed out any possible trace of sympathy for firearms ownership.  Hmmmm, isn’t there a name for that sort of activity?  They wouldn’t be thought police, would they? 

    Gee, what will they do when they find out we don’t all love Big Brother?

    I have a tee shirt that says Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency.  What would happen if I wore it on a White House tour?

    Heil Obama!

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/15/2008  at  06:25 AM  

  3. Let’s look at that in a positive way - ole Jim’Penis mouth’ Webb - the turncoat Repub that he is - can’t be in B. Hussein Obama’s adminsitration! Yeah, that is one little rotten liberal (I can’t believe he still owns a gun) - that won’t be movin’ on up.

    There is always a silver lining in any cloud.

    Problem with all of those gun ‘controlers’ is that one they fail to realize how ineffectual their insane laws are to actually addressing the issues that they claim they are ‘fixing’ - and that this late in the ‘fixing’ law game - most people aren’t bamboozled anymore and they fail to realize how many groups (besides hunters) are against them (Libertarians, Constitutionalists, separatists, survivialists, thugs, drug dealers, collectors and of course conservatives) who will rise up and join together to stop it (politics always does make strange bedfellows - most particularly when the politico wants to do something very dictator like)and three - when you take the statistics - 53% of the registered voters who voted for The One(tm) which is about 64% of America isn’t a majority of value when it comes to tinkering with certain things - most especially when a portion of that 53% voted for him simply because of his color and that a portion of that 53% isn’t even real, legal or viable to rally against him.

    He is simply a thug - my HOPE is that because he is an inexperienced politician - he will be muted to ineffectual in most areas - most particularly those that truly matter.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/15/2008  at  07:45 AM  

  4. It will be a very rough two, or four, years.  But, as I’ve said before, what the Obamessiah will give us by his lurch left will be an equally strong lurch back to the right, most likely beginning in 2011.

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   11/15/2008  at  10:06 AM  

  5. Say it aint so Dr.....  Thought Police?....  Would these be the folks that administer the Truth Serum?

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   11/15/2008  at  11:44 AM  

  6. Not sure what you’re saying Late. Do I think Conservatives are going to rise up and start shooting people who disagree with them? No. Do I think liberals are going to rush out and get guns and start shooting at Conservatives? No. Will there be an increase of white on black violent crime? I doubt it, but there is already so damn little of that that a few extra events will skew the statistics. More white on white violence? Probably not. An increase in black on white crime? That’s a slight possibility, if a, um, “girls gone wild” attitude arises because one of their own is in charge. Will a few weeks of news coverage of every white person in America running to the gun store mitigate that possibility? Again, probably not, because most people have really poor memories. Six months from now most of them will not remember this news at all. Two months even. More black on black violent crime? That’s an even harder one to call, because a) that doesn’t make the news very often, being a “dog bites man” story, and b) a very large amount of it is unreported in the first place. But I saw the gun buying story on several news channels and read it at a bunch of news sites and blogs, and everyone in all the pictures was white. That probably means nothing really, but I have no idea if gun sales are up for other ethnic groups as well.

    No, my take away from this “Everyone is buying guns!” news is that large numbers of Americans are fearful of 2A restrictions that a super leftist government will put in place ... and that they have NO INTENTION of obeying those laws. Good for them. Nothing will happen right now, but it sends a strong message to those who can think.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/15/2008  at  11:51 AM  

  7. Well in a way, you answered the question Drew.  Go to and see what’s available for 9mm and .223 ammo. It seems folks are stocking up like never before and finding what you need is not so easy.  I guess the answer is that the fear of Obama anti gun policy is going to create an even bigger problem that anyone probably could have imagined.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   11/15/2008  at  04:57 PM  

  8. Just out of curiosity:

    Any questions regarding ownership or possession of ‘gas guzzling’ or other ‘non-green’ automobiles?

    Any questions about past driving offenses, specifically drunken driving or accidents with injuries?

    Any questions about illegal drug usage?  Any questions about consorting with prostitutes or ‘wanton women’ or ‘wanton men’ for that matter?

    I don’t buy much ammo.  But I did pick up another 5,000 small pistol primers yesterday.  I hope I can find large pistol and some rifle primers at the end of the month.

    Posted by Archie    United States   11/16/2008  at  04:37 PM  

  9. Yeah Late, truth serum, koolaide, “supervision” and indoctrination.  The incident that severed my last connection with “liberals”, aka Neo Fascists, was one where I was personally attacked for not following the Neo Fascist line. 

    “Liberals” are insanely intolerant of opinions that differ from theirs.  On the conservative side, personal attacks are rare (yeah guys, I read the nasty comments a few articles up - shame).  That is functionally more liberal than anyone else!  Personal rights and respect for the individual, G-d what a concept!

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/17/2008  at  06:05 PM  

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