no polish jokes allowed or police will be called


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/03/2012 at 10:12 AM   
  1. I hope that the thought police are being extra sensitive in Krakow tonight, making sure that nobody there is sitting around going “hey, did you hear the one about the mickey who...” or “so Mivlak, how many Irish does it take to change a lightbulb?” kind of thing without getting a ticket and a hefty fine equal to 2 months wages.

    Same thing here in certain neighborhoods. If there is somebody telling cracker jokes, or whatever, I want the hammers to come down hard.

    Straight jokes told in San Fran? Call the TP. Hey, if one vertically challenged person tells a tall person joke, or some developmentally challenged person tells the one about the two “normos” who ...  then I demand IMMEDIATE SOCIAL JUSTICE.

    Because if all of this isn’t a two way street, then it’s total bullshit.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/03/2012  at  01:45 PM  

  2. So a “MICK” insults a “POLOCK” and theres a “PROBLEM”? I give up. confused

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/03/2012  at  05:34 PM  

  3. The Irish have NO 1st amendment so anyone who either hears, imagines to hear or has a grudge against someone can call the Gardai and rat the “offender” out to the PC police.

    I was talking to a traffic warden (parking ticket issuer.....occasionally) the other day and let the “N” word slip out when referring to a well known American political figure..........WELL!” You think I just admitted to slaughtering 50 children, boiled them in a pot and consumed their bodies. The guy got apoplexic and sternly warned me: “That kind of talk could get you arrested.” Now why would you say such a horrible thing?” He asked with a genuine naive, gormless look. I said because that’s what I want to say and in the States, unless I directly threaten someone it’s no big deal.

    So the Gardai take the easy road, ignore armed robbers and confrontational scenes but slam-dunk someone for using a word that’s in Webster’s dictionary.


    Now with all this effort spent on soothing someone’s hurt feelings you’d think the Irish would have something better to look after.

    Like fixing the Government run Health service.

    This type of incident is NOT uncommon in Ireland:

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/04/2012  at  04:44 AM  

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