No More Bat Boat


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/06/2010 at 09:20 PM   
  1. On the videos, one from the Shonan Maru and the other from one of the hippy ships, it looked like the MoonBatBoat was attempting to reverse course from a forward heading. Maybe they realized that a ship doesn’t have brakes nor the maneuverability (or lack of motivation) to avoid them. It gave me my laugh of the week.
    If you fly the pirate colors and try to impede with a ship’s movement, in my book, you are a pirate, even if you don’t demand booty, there is still the money that has to be paid for repairs.

    As for whale hunting, imho, if it sustainable, and you can stomach it, go for it. Put a monitor from the International Whaling Commission put monitors on the ships (at the Japanese’s expense) on each ship, and keep accurate records of species should be no problem. The moonbats that most groups represent don’t want ANYONE, even the Inuits and other tribes that depend on them to hunt ANY of these gentle giants of the deep. They are extremists.

    Just a thought…

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   01/07/2010  at  01:22 AM  

  2. Not sure where I stand, here either.

    The anti-whaling people are fools for trying to interpose themselves between a large ship and its prey.  As you said, those ships don’t have brakes, or a great deal of maneuverability, either.

    But the Japanese are killing what may the most intelligent creatures on the planet, after man (and even that is a metter for conjecture) in numbers that are unsustainable, at best.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   01/07/2010  at  06:02 AM  

  3. This is a good start.  Watson and his kind should be treated with the same contempt that the Somali pirates deserve.  Putting all their boats on the bottom is fully justified.  Japanese whalers (and I do not particularly support whaling), and all vessels on the high seas should be equipped to disable and sink all such vessels on the spot.

    Posted by rbm    Canada   01/07/2010  at  09:10 AM  

  4. I think it’s hilarious.  My wife and I laugh at these buffoons.
    Watch the captain of the ship sometime when he’s off to the back of the frame as he rolls his eyes at the stupidity these hippies exhibit; no one will be too shocked when one of them kills themselves out in the middle of nowhere.

    I don’t agree with the whalers and they should be forced to stop, but these kids are just hurting their own cause....

    Posted by TimO    United States   01/07/2010  at  09:41 AM  

  5. About 20 years back I was living on a ship in Falmouth and Sea Shepherd came in, being smart back then they were using an ice breaking ex-icelandic trawler, they had just ben escorted from the pacific by the US navy, they were getting involved with the bastards that “hunt” for dolphin fins, catching live dolphins, cut their fins off and throw them bleeding in to the sea to die, they were trying to stop the nips and the nips were being difficult, firstly the nips used handguns so they ran along the nip boat and cleaned off the fishing gear, then another boat used a rifle so they pointed their ice breaking pointy end at the nips and cut the dolphin boat in 2 , the nip navy was nearby so the USN escorted them away. That was when the green types were OK.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/07/2010  at  09:58 PM  

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