Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/08/2010 at 03:49 PM   
  1. The fashion industry is mostly controlled and directed by the gay community ( Yes it really is )and they make the rules for celebrity dress styles and trends. Blame the lack of taste in these ladies choices on those paramours of style and not the ladies themselves as they are just slaves to the latest crap the “boys” are peddling.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/08/2010  at  07:34 PM  

  2. You’re right but guess what?

    This post wasn’t supposed to run . Haven’t a clue how it got here as I didn’t finish it due to something that happened and cleared all the text thinking I’d come back today. And there part of it is. ???
    There was another reason not stated here for the writing of that but am dropping it. For now.  Will have to explain in a private email at some point.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/09/2010  at  06:11 AM  

  3. It is the Cult of Personality - in addition to the gay community directing - You have a bunch of people who survive simply on being noticed - and even if it is to hit the worst dressed list - they want to get noticed.

    I have never understood those people whose only existence seems to be - LOOK AT ME - I would rather the entire World not even know I exist (ok, most of the time), as they annoy the hell out of me (ok, most of the people, not all).

    It must be a sad existence - as eventually they get old and hollyweird does not want them. Commented on this to hubby as a moderate actress is now showing up on a tv series, he asks why she would stoop to it - I said, when women actresses hit a certain age - it’s all over as far as movies go.

    In the Cult of Personality - as soon as you are no longer useful, beautiful, young or powerful - You are forgotten. Makes me wonder why anyone would even want to pander to it at all - Knowing that you will be forgotten when your 15 minutes of fame is up.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/09/2010  at  06:44 AM  

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