No, It Isn’t April Fool’s Day


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/14/2013 at 09:29 AM   
  1. Why don’t we just let common sense take over and admit that the only people that need to be thoroughly looked at when it comes to air travel are young men between the ages of 18 and 40, of middle eastern descent, most likely, to have a beard and “crazy” eyes.  But we can’t because that would be RAAACCCIIISSTTT!

    It’s almost as if these jihadis go out of their way to actually look the part of a terrorist so that they can use it a reason to scream racist, xenaphobe, islamaphobe, blah blah blah. 

    The only phobia I have is the oh so common “blowuppaphobe”.  You know this is the IRRATIONAL fear of being blown to pieces by a jihadi terrorist.  I am sure that only a few people suffer from this...right?  And of course, we should be cured of this racist phobia.  After all, what is more important, the life of me and my family or the overly sensitive feelings of a bunch of goat molesting, women beating, refuse to progress out of the 7th century, allah akbar fetish induced believers of the profit of mo-ham-head?

    Think of the time and MONEY saved by only checking over those that are the most likely to blow up a plane.  Has a bomb been found in the possession of a 90 year wheelchair bound baptist grandmother?  Or found in the diaper of a infant child of a Christian family? 

    If you were going to go to the race track and bet on horses, you bet on the one most likely to win.  Do you care about offending the other horses?  I bet no, you don’t.  And this is only a horse race.  Why is it when the outcome is lots of dead innocent people, we don’t apply the same common sense that we apply to sports betting? 

    Everything that could be used to save lives is backed up by the absolute facts of genetics and statistics.  But, heaven forbid, we use this common sense to save lives, and you are labeled and destroyed.  Actually, I think it funny that a person who used “labels” of others, is punished by being “labelled”. 

    For example, if 90% of all terrorist acts committed in the last 20 years has been committed by followers of radical islam, I am a moron if I jump to any conclusions about who the suspect is.  However, despite a complete absence of any proof of any harm or malicious acts, it is automatically thought that ALL Tea-Party members are illiterate, gun-toting, white supremacy invoking rednecks.  We are told not to jump to conclusions, unless of course, it is in the labelling of all those opposed to obama and the progressive (communist) message.

    But what do I know, after all, I’m a racist.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   05/14/2013  at  01:46 PM  

  2. You and me both sdkar but having previously worked as an immigration officer you tend to see the worst of people. As Drew says passports are stitched together so taking pages out is rather diificult and the only reason they do it is to ocnceal a bad immigration history. Kind of stupid though when their details are on the computer anyway.

    I would say its more than 90% of terrorism is down to the aloha snackbar club, just as the current spate of paedo “grooming” cases in Britain are from the same peaceful religion.

    Move along folks nothing to see here.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/15/2013  at  01:29 AM  

  3. Especially frightening as well, are the blue eyed white convert killers popping up.
    Good example is that widow (white) of the tube bombing on July 7, 2005. She is on the loose and heads her own section training female bombers.  They think she may be somewhere in Somalia but she travels a lot. She is high on the wanted list. Without the islamic covering tho, you might never know. And she was born right here too.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/15/2013  at  05:11 AM  

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